
Back in the nineties, when I first decided to try my hand at getting published, the generally understood way to break into the business was through short stories in magazines. I had some modest success at that, but for the most part the following early writing attempts became promotional offerings, freebies that let my potential readers get a taste of my developing style. Despite their age, I remain fond of them, and hope you'll find them enjoyable as well!

Halloween Knight

Sam lost everything important to him on Halloween night, ten years ago. He has spent his teen years trying to reclaim a sense of hope by following the tenets of chivalry. Now, on this Halloween night, he will be plunged back into a situation where his actions will change a life forever.

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Home Is Where the Heart Is

A fender bender at a snowy intersection brings together a young homeless woman and a carpenter. Special note: Matt and Maggie make a key appearance in A Mermaid's Kiss, the first book in the Daughters of Arianne series.

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Heart Quest

Annie needs a spiritual break from the world. She goes on a sabbatical by herself in the Blue Ridge Mountains, seeking to reconnect with the magic inherent in life. She finds magic and more, in an enchanted pool that will offer her the chance to embrace magic as well as love.

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The Book of Nya

Background: I developed Nya’s character for a wonderful storytelling site called Alhambra, sponsored by two very talented writers, a husband and wife team. They envisioned the Alhambra loop somewhat as a Role Playing Game, only the emphasis was on storytelling versus a game. There were also loose storytelling connections to Arthurian legend/lore amid contemporary vampire and werewolf interactions. While the site has not been active for awhile, I kept the excerpts I posted about Nya. Her character intrigued me to the point I thought one day I might revisit her, retool the proprietary aspects of the story and give her a story all her own. However, in the interim, I’d like to give her to my readers as she was presented...

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Moonlight Dance

Two couples on a camping trip decide to expand their friendship into a whole new area.

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Thou Shalt Not Suffer

A jailer offers a condemned witch a way to save her life, and ends up saving her heart.

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Letitia's Stake

Can a determined woman convince a gorgeous vampire to save a child’s life by sacrificing his own? 1999 Romance and Beyond Contest Grand Prize WinnerPublished in ROMANCE & BEYOND MAGAZINE, Spring 1999 Issue

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The Woodwright's Wife

A Confederate soldier’s widow purchases a damaged bed, intending to restore it. Instead, she summons an erotic creature who restores passion to her soul. Published in PRISONERS OF THE NIGHT magazine Issue #11, August 1999

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The Crush

High school teacher Resa Davenport has been friends with Principal Tom Brent since the fifth grade. He dated her closest friends, even married and divorced one of them, and he was her shoulder when her husband passed away in his thirties. Now, she's ready to open her heart again, and a recurring dream about a stirring kiss keeps pointing her compass toward Tom. However, she lacks the courage to risk their friendship. Today she may find that courage. Tom is present in her fifth period class to conduct a teacher evaluation when Resa intercepts a note being passed between two students. There's a poem in the note, which incites a discussion of what a "crush" really is, and that short...

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