July 2024


Less than a month to go! I'm running up to the wire on the final proof edit now, and trying not to tear my hair out. SO MANY things to check and double check. I seriously LOVE how many characters from the VQ series play a part in this story, and where they took Ruth and Merc, but holy moly. I feel like an air traffic controller. ✈✈✈👨🏻‍✈️, lol. Would you like a fun little teaser?

Merc dropped to his heels and supported Ruth's arm as he slowly extended it. The pain of the dislocated shoulder was going to make her throw up. “Charlie,” Merc spoke to the healer. “Tell me when.”

“Let me give her something, so it will be easier.”

Merc’s gaze rested on Ruth’s. “She doesn’t want easier.”

Charlie sighed. “You fighting types. You make things so difficult.” Her slim hand overlapped his, readjusted his grip, and she checked the position of Ruth’s shoulder.

“This would be a good time to beg for mercy,” Merc observed. His voice had that heavy rain quality, and the earthy need in Ruth drank it in.

“I’m listening,” she managed. “Whenever you want to start.”

His mouth curved. Not a smile, but a promise of temptation held out of reach until need became a raw and bleeding open wound.

“What did Marcellus tell you right before the fight?” she said, not wanting to think about what was about to happen. Maybe some pain meds wouldn’t be so bad.

“Not to kill you. Just to push you past your threshold, so he could see how you handled that.”

“How do you know where that threshold is, other than seeing me on my ass on the ground?”

His lips pursed. “It’s one of my many gifts.”

“I call it pushing someone’s buttons. You’re pretty damn good at that. What are you?”

“Incubus. Angel. Human." He held her gaze. "The worst parts of all of them.”

I am SO excited about sharing this book with you. And a little scared as well. If you follow my JoeyWHillAuthor page or the JWHMembersOnly fan group on Facebook, or my MeWe Page, be sure and check in on or near July 31, because there will be a fabulous giveaway and fun behind-the-scenes info about the book, as well as reflections upon the series as a whole. Vampire Queen Series lovers unite!

If you haven't reserved your copy, preorder links are below this graphic (as well the Chapter One preview link)! 🙂🦇📚 If you're on the JWHMembersOnly fan group, your exclusive early THREE CHAPTER peek occurred on June 21. Hop onto the group (or Join) and go look for it, if you can't wait for release day to read more Ruth and Merc!

Universal Vendor Link * Amazon * Kobo * iBooks * Nook * Google

Chapter One Preview


Last month I offered the books below (plus Vampire Mistress, not in picture) as a giveaway to my readers. To enter, all you had to do was email me your top three choices. I promised to announce the winners in this issue. So, are you ready? Here they are! (look below graphic). Congratulations!

Vampire Mistress - Justiene T, Vampire Trinity - Donna A, Taken by a Vampire - Maria R, Bound by the Vampire Queen - Taffy W, Vampire Instinct - Diane M, Scientific Method- Sierra R, Nightfall - Sharon E, and Medusa's Heart - Erin L. I'll be emailing the winners directly to get your address information (only used for prize distribution). Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and lovely comments in your emails - they were appreciated greatly. ❤❤❤


I want to give away more stuff! Would you like to win THREE of my Vampire Queen series print books OR a $50 Amazon Gift Card, winner's choice?

HOW TO ENTER: IN 10 WORDS OR LESS, DESCRIBE YOUR FAVORITE JWH BOOK (or any JWH book), and email it to me at storywitch@storywitch.com. I did this contest on social media this past week for a different prize package. To help inspire your own entries, here are some examples of the ones they offered there (can you guess the book titles)?

Motorcycle riding ex-hunter vagabond serves petite but powerful Queen.
Joyriding good girl, off duty cop, lifetime of memories.
Resilient fmc, two hot vamp daddies, steamy, three-scapades (😉), enchanting, HEA
Mute woman tops hot motorcycle deaf man
Grieving Saharan vampire meets neglected but strong fmc, steamy passion

I'll choose a winner of the prize package by the next issue - good luck! And be warned, I may very well use some of the entries when I'm preparing promo graphics for my books. You all know how wordy I am. Do you really think I could summarize ANY of my stories in less than 10 words without help?! 📚📚📚 🤷🏻‍♂️


Since we're all about vampires right now, I have to share one of my favorite Angel TV series lines...can't imagine why I liked this one (innocent eye roll)...

THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews or direct recommendation/discussion in online groups, or one-on-one to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and the best kind of marketing any author can have!

Now let's check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS - we have FOUR of them!

eBook Spotlight


KyAnn has a BDSM romance short that tugs the heartstrings, just from reading the blurb. Vivian brings us a Mafia hero saving a damsel in distress. JL is offering a sci-fi warden/inmate fantasy. Finally, do I need to say anything other than "hot and steamy FemDom" short for Mara's book? And how appropriate for a July 4th newsletter!  Hope you enjoy these! (Note: some of these require newsletter sign up.)

[Reminder: Books that are free or with sale prices may be temporary, so grab them now!]

Featured Book

Cover image for

Release News


12/15/2019 - Vampire Master - Book 16 of the Vampire Queen series

08/2019 - Naughty Bits - re-release as a self-published title in print and ebook.

07/2019 - Vampire Queen's Servant - re-release as a self-published title in print and ebook.

6/30/19 - The Problem with Witches - A Crossover novel of the Arcane Shot and Knights of the Board Room series


Fall 2024 - At Her Will, a Mistresses of the Board Room series novel

07/31/2024 - Vampire's Choice, a Vampire Queen series novel

11/30/2023 - At Her Pleasure, a Mistresses of the Board Room series novel

06/30/2023 - Ignition Sequence, a Nature of Desire series novel


Online Appearances

GoodReads Blog - Whenever I have something half-way interesting to say (hopefully), I post it on my blog. Check out the latest, as well as the backlog of over 80 posts!

For my most up-to-date appearances info throughout the month, follow me on Twitter or "Like" my Author Page on Facebook - I'll keep you in the loop as things happen!

GoodReads Blog - I don't blog much these days, but I maintain a library of over 80 posts at my GoodReads blog. Go browse and find out my thoughts on a past topic that interests you!

Online Appearances - I'm always posting updates and inviting comments on my MeWe, Twitter or Facebook Author Page! We'd also love to have you join us on the JWHMembersOnly Facebook fan site. The members and I routinely post content related to my books and our shared love of the erotic romance genre.

Conference Appearances

SEXY AND SASSY SIGNING 2020 - July 9-12 - next year's popular reader/author event will happen in Norfolk, VA. The theme is Sinful Fairy Tales! Click on the link above to find out more. You can also join the SASS Attendee group once you've registered.


No conferences this year, but look under the Extra Stuff section for ways to get a signed book or swag from me anyway!

Extra Stuff...

Want a Kindle signature? My books are listed at the Authorgraph site, so if you'd like a "Kindlegraph", send me a request! Just go to Authorgraph.com, put Joey W. Hill in the search line, and it will pull up my books, with a "Request Authorgraph" button beneath each.

Want a signed bookplate for your print book and a bookmark? No need to be bummed about not seeing me at a book signing. Just shoot me an email at storywitch@PROTECTED with your mailing address and the title(s) of the book(s) for which you want a signature, and I'll send you personalized bookplates anytime, free of charge. And I always send it with a signed bookmark!


"I have a question." Answer: "Have you checked the author's website?"

I am ALWAYS delighted to hear from my readers, and I never mind answering your questions. However, about 90% of the general questions I receive on email can be quickly answered on my website, www.storywitch.com. And the cool thing is you get your answer in the time it takes you to do a couple clicks, versus having to type up your question and send it to me, then wait for me to emerge from my writing cave and check my email.

A lot of authors experience this now. Because we have so much more of a presence at FB, Twitter, and the like, it's easy to forget that most authors still maintain a website where you can quickly get info. On my site, you can not only find BLURBS and FREE EXCERPTS for every book I've published, you can find SERIES ORDER, including recommendations on which ones can stand alone or need specific titles to be read first. Under the In the Works page, you'll find information about UPCOMING RELEASES and what's percolating (the popular "will you ever write a book about so-n-so" question would be answered there).

Just go to my website, storywitch.com, and enjoy your visit. It is specifically and deliberately designed not to be flashy or confusing. Just look at the drop down menus at the top for what you're seeking.

Want a SIGNED BOOKMARK? I have seven beautiful bookmarks, each design representing one of my series: Knights of the Board Room, Nature of Desire, Vampire Queen, Arcane Shot, Daughters of Arianne, Mistresses of the Board Room, and Naughty Bits. You can look at them here (click on the one you like for a larger view).

Just shoot me an email at storywitch@storywitch.com with your mailing address and tell me which bookmark you want. I'll send you two of that design - one for you and one to share! And yes, I WILL mail bookmarks to international readers.  NOTE: some of these show previous cover editions, but hopefully that doesn't detract from their appeal! 

Want a SIGNED BOOK? Email me at storywitch@storywitch.com with 1) what book you want, 2) your mailing address, and 3) if you want me to personalize it to a particular name (Mary, Marie, Marissa, etc), or no personalization, just a signature and a cheery note. I'll send you an invoice and, once that's squared away, the book will be on its way to you!

Want a SIGNED BOOKPLATE? Want a bookplate for your favorite JWH book(s)? Just email me at storywitch@storywitch.com with your mailing address, the title(s) of the book(s), and I'll send you personalized bookplates anytime, free of charge. I always send it with a signed bookmark!

Want to read BONUS CONTENT STORIES revisiting my characters? I have over a dozen FREE novellas/shorts with easy BookFunnel download links. You'll find them all under the Cantrips (Vignettes) menu item on my website.

Want me to visit your BOOKCLUB? I'm available for online bookclub meetings and even sometimes in-person clubs, within a reasonable geographic range. Don't hesitate to ask! Just email me at storywitch@storywitch.com.

Useful Information

"I have a question."

Answer: "Have you checked my website?"

I am ALWAYS delighted to hear from my readers, and I never mind answering your questions. However, about 90% of the general questions I receive on email can be quickly answered on my website, www.storywitch.com. And the cool thing is you get your answer in the time it takes you to do a couple clicks, versus having to type up your question and send it to me, then wait for me to emerge from my writing cave and check my email.

A lot of authors experience this now. Because we have so much more of a presence at FB, Twitter, and the like, it's easy to forget that most authors still maintain a website where you can quickly get info. On my site, you can not only find BLURBS and FREE EXCERPTS for every book I've published, you can find SERIES ORDER, including recommendations on which ones can stand alone or need specific titles to be read first. Under the In the Works page, you'll find information about UPCOMING RELEASES and what's percolating (the popular "will you ever write a book about so-n-so" question would be answered there).

Just go to my website at storywitch.com, and enjoy your visit. It is specifically and deliberately designed not to be flashy or confusing. Just look at the drop down menus at the top for what you're seeking.


"I have a question." Answer: "Have you checked the author's website?"

I am ALWAYS delighted to hear from my readers, and I never mind answering your questions. However, remember a lot of questions can be quickly answered on my website. Just look at the drop down menus at the top for what you're seeking. You'll find BUY LINKS, BLURBS and FREE EXCERPTS for every book I've published. You can also find SERIES ORDER, and recommendations on which books can stand alone or need specific titles to be read first. If you particularly loved a series or specific characters, you'll find FREE BONUS CONTENT, including short stories/novellas and interviews revisiting them. 


Find me online through my website email contact link (little envelope under Follow Me on the right side of home page) or email me directly at storywitch@storywitch.com. You can leave a question for me under my Author Profile on GoodReads. I'm on Twitter and Facebook (Author Page), and regularly stop in at the JWHMembersOnly fan group. I'm also on MeWe, if you prefer that platform to Facebook. If you'd like to see the pics that inspire some of my books, visit me on Pinterest, or check out my handful of videos on YouTube.


Responding to my readers, and doing so in a very timely manner (within 24-48 hours), is extremely important to me. So if you have sent a communication to me in any medium noted above and have not received a response, a technical glitch has occurred. Either your communication did not get through to me, or my response did not reach you. If you suspect that's the case, use one of the alternative methods to send me a "Hey, Joey, I sent you a note through email (or social media platform, etc). Did you get it?" message, and we'll make sure we sort it out. I will never intentionally ignore my readers!

HAVING PROBLEMS GETTING MY NEWSLETTER PAST YOUR SPAM FILTER? - Whenever I issue a newsletter, I will post about it on the social media platforms mentioned above, to ensure it reaches the widest number of people possible. So if you're following me on any of them, you'll get a heads up. Or you can put https://storywitch.com/newsletter/?latest as one of your Favorite links. You can click on it anytime to see if a new newsletter has been released. I try to get a new issue out during the first 7 days of every month.


NEVER an obligation, but when you follow or review me on Bookbub, Amazon or both, it increases my books' visibility and marketing options on those sites. And in return, you get a heads up about releases and sales!

Thank you so much for your support of my work!