February 2019


"[Your books are] not just re-reads, but comfort re-reads... yes, I re-read just for fun or sometimes to get in the right headspace before I read a new book in the series, but the real magic is when I need to turn to something that I know will touch me and make me believe in love again. You're at the top of my go-to list for that."

Thank you, Donna, a long term reader who expressed that thought to me a couple months ago, and it meant so much to me. That's the experience I want to keep giving you all, over and over.

It has been a busy month! I've so much to tell you and share. First, if you haven't been on my FB pages or on Twitter, you may have been puzzled, noticing five of my books disappeared from Amazon and the other vendors, except for some remaining print stock. My apologies for that brief inconvenience. Beloved VampireVampire MistressTaken by a VampireControlled Response and Honor Bound are all back up! The rights to the books were returned to me by the publisher in late December, which meant they had to pull them down on their side of things, and I had to put them back up on mine. Fortunately, we had been anticipating this through the summer, and already had the books reviewed, formatted and ready to re-release them with new covers. And I LOVE these covers! I hope you will too. I've put Controlled Response up in this newsletter to give you a taste. All of them are up on a banner on my Author FB page and the Joey W Hill Members Only page, as well as on their specific book pages on my website. And of course you can see them if you go searching for them on your favorite online bookseller site.

Here's the link to their book pages on my website. If you click on the smaller version of the covers, they will blow up to a bigger size so you can see all the fabulous details. Kudos to my wonderful husband who did the design work on these. He just gets better and better!

Feel like posting a review? Technically, the reviews from the previous versions are supposed to repopulate the updated editions, but sometimes there's a lag. So if you've recently read one of these books and/or have never put up a review for one of them, and feel inspired to do so, I'd appreciate it greatly if you decided to put a rating or review at Amazon, Nook, iBooks or Kobo, your choice. It helps to position the book more favorably on the vendor sites, bringing them to the attention of new readers. Which is always a good thing, right?


In mid-December, I asked all of you to let me know of your latest burning questions for me, whether they concerned the latest release, Vampire's Embrace, the Vampire Queen series, or any topic at all. I'm not shy (at least online and in the pages of a book - grin). You all had 34 questions for me! So I ended up making you TWO Q and A videos, "Many Questions Part 1" and "Many Questions Part 2." They are now live on my You Tube Channel, Story Witch Press. As a new perk this time, all the questions are listed in the description, in the order that I answer them, with time stamps. So you can scroll through the video if you don't want to listen to to the whole thing, and find the answer to the questions that interest you the most.

I'm trying to do a new video of some sort at least once every 30-60 days, so if you like these, be sure and subscribe to the channel so you'll get a heads up when a new one is out. Right now, I have six. Yep, watch out major podcasters, I'm a total threat, lol. I have three Q and A videos, a Christmas card video with favorite author/book quotes (provided by you all - see next section!), a book trailer for Vampire's Soul, and two first chapter reads, from Vampire's Soul and Truly Helpless.


I was hoping to have this done when I sent out the December newsletter, but alas, it was completed and released the week between Christmas and New Year's. I'd asked my readers to give me favorite quotes from their favorite authors/books, as well as a handful of their favorites from my own, and we put it together as a Christmas carol card for you all. When you're out on that YouTube channel, you'll see it there, "A Reader Christmas Carol." Hope you enjoy it, even post-holiday!


I had a reader ask that question, inspired by a family member who felt that the drive to embrace Dominance/submission as one's sexual identity was a preference/choice, not a "born this way" compulsion like being gay, straight, etc. It resulted in this blog post from me, where I took a look at that issue and provided my own two cents on it. This is a question where I don't believe there are any wrong answers. Who we are is a personal thing, such that no one can say what is correct or incorrect for each individual, because it's the language of our hearts. But it's intriguing to explore the many different ways that language can be expressed - whether chosen, or such a part of our identity we can't see it as separate from ourselves, who we are.

Be sure and scroll through my different blog topics while you're on GoodReads if you'd like to see what I've discussed in other posts. I've well over fifty of them now!


"I'm always sad when I finish a Joey W. Hill book, because I just want to stay in her story worlds forever. Vampire's Embrace was everything I wanted and more." That came from the wonderful folks who run Infatuated podcast; they even plan on featuring the book on their Season 2, Episode 5 of the podcast, so tune in for that! I know I will. But don't wait for the episode. A podcast whose tagline is "Book Sluts welcome: The podcast for romance readers who just can't get enough," is one I think most of us would find worthwhile, lol.

Many thanks as well to author Kate Douglas, who read the book and had this to say in her Amazon review - "Stories by Joey W Hill are akin to an art form. She creates fully formed characters with all the flaws and insecurities of real people, and yet allows each of her leads to find meaning within their relationship that resonates with the reader as the only truth that could possibly work."

And you know it always gives me a thrill when folks discover my mermaids and angels, or my witches and sorcerers, since I love those books but they don't get as much attention as my vampires. So that made this review by author Elizabeth SaFleur even more of a thrill: "It's no secret I'm a huge Joey W. Hill fan. Every read is sure to please, but A Mermaid's Kiss had a little something special. Maybe it was the way she put me in the ocean, made me feel the cold and the swirl of water and waves. Or perhaps it was how the characters leaped off the page with such clarity and charm I just HAD to know what happened to Anna and Jonah. I particularly loved how sweet, loving Anna showed such fierce loyalty and strength. Or perhaps it was because this book paints such a vivid picture of a flawed yet beautiful world both under the seas and heaven above. How about all of the above? This is a story that will stay with you for a long time -- and perhaps have you gaze over the ocean or watch the skies with different eyes."

Haven't read my mermaid/angel books (Daughters of Arianne) or my witches/sorcerers (Arcane Shot series) stories? What are you waiting for? They're good, I promise. You know my books are character-driven, intense love stories, and it doesn't really matter if they're in a paranormal or contemporary vein - it's all about finding that forever love, and facing down the obstacles to get there. Oh, and the hot erotic Dom/sub dynamics. Have to have those, lol. Reward yourself. And if I've steered you wrong, you can pelt me with virtual rotten fruit. I won't even try to run away. Much.

Oh, and if you're wondering, while I do send out my books to a few official reviewers, I do not ever seek reviews from fellow authors. If one has decided to post about my book, it is because they read it on their own, for pleasure. Which makes positive reactions like this even more meaningful to me. Why don't I ask authors to review my books? At one time there was a glut of "you read my book and say something good, and I'll do the same with yours" or publishers getting their in-house authors to read new author books to give them a boost, and it came off as contrived as it sounded. Readers deserve better than that. It's not to say those authors who provided taglines didn't truly love the books; but being actively solicited as a marketing strategy shed doubt on the sincerity (IMO). It's part of why I don't review upon request, either. If I read an author's book and then say good things about it, it's "on my time and dime." I buy the book, read it when I'm ready and decide to review it the same way.

"LOL Quote of the Month" goes to this reader, Caroline: "I’ve got all yer books on me bookshelf. Wouldn’t part with em for even a butt plug and a scene." Really, that just says it all, doesn't it? Lol - thank you Caroline for the bark of laughter that scared my pets.


Okay, I made an executive decision. The title of the new book WILL be The Problem with Witches. In between the marketing and day job stuff, I've been scribbling away at this crossover novella of the Arcane Shot and Knights of the Board Room characters. I gave you a little bit of a dark clip from it last month, because there's something seriously scary about to happen in New Orleans if Mikhael and Raina from In the Company of Witches can't stop it, but since they pull in Ben O'Callahan of the Knights of the Board Room for help, there must be some repartee between him and the other guys as he brings them up to speed, right? Here they are in the infamous board room as he explains that magic stuff is real, particularly the dark witch in his past he's going to help Mikhael and Raina find...

* * *

Ben could tell Peter was still looking to make sense of it.

“So she’s a hypnotist of some kind,” the former National Guard captain said. “Like an illusionist.”

“No,” Ben said. “It would be a lot more reassuring if it was something like that. You know how you told us that being in combat means never fooling yourself about what your enemy is, or isn’t?”

Peter nodded, his jaw set.

“Then take what I say exactly at face value. She’s a witch. She knows how to do magic, the creepiest Harry Potter, Disney villain and Freddy Krueger rolled-into-one freaky shit you’ve seen. Only it’s not smoke and mirrors or Hollywood magic. It’s as real as that bad tequila you projectile vomited when we were in Mexico that one time. Only ten times as stomach-turning. Believe me, if I could talk myself into writing down directions, handing them over and forgetting these guys ever asked for them, I would. But one thing I learned about Elagra is when she shows up on your radar, you don’t turn your back. Until you’re sure she’s off screen again. And right now, she feels way too on-screen to me.”

Peter studied him for another long moment, then lifted a shoulder. “Fuck it. Can’t be any harder to swallow than any of the esoteric crap Jon feeds us about the connectivity of life energy in the universe, and how it fuels all worthy endeavors.”

“You were listening,” Jon said, his firm mouth quirking. “Glad I’m sitting down to handle that shock.”

“He pays attention only because you’re always threatening to give us a quiz on it," Ben informed him. "Captain America over there refuses to fail any test. I just ignore you.”

* * *

And just a reminder to those who have been after to me to tell Ramona's story to round out the Arcane Shot series into a trilogy. She's going to make a prominent appearance in this novella, which I hope will inspire the muse in that direction. I don't have an estimated release date yet on The Problem with Witches, but as soon as I figure it out, you'll be the first to know!

Vampire Master - This is likely the next book I'll be doing, featuring Wolf and Ella (yes, the same Wolf and Ella mentioned in the short story above). For a long time, I thought Ella and James, the head of Atlantis security, would end up being a couple, but James has made his decision, and it's Ellen (a character from the Nature of Desire series book Rough Canvas, and she is also in Unrestrained, as Athena's secretary). They'll meet when James takes a much needed vacation to New Orleans. And it's when James is on that vacation that Wolf and Ella's story takes off, because Gideon is up to his eyeballs handling James's security duties. Wolf ends up being the Dom keeping an extra eye on Ella, since she has a tendency to get in trouble. Now, if you're thinking that sounds like two books in one, you're right. James and Ellen will have their own book, too.


CONTACTING ME - Remember, you can find me online through my website email contact link or email me directly at storywitch@PROTECTED. You can also leave a question for me under my Author Profile on GoodReads. I'm on Facebook under Joey W. Hill, and you can visit the JWHMembersOnly FB fan forum group here. I'm @JoeyWHill on Twitter, and my Pinterest boards related to the books are here.

Thank you all so much for your support of my work!

DIDN'T GET A RESPONSE? It seems those darn online filters are becoming more and more aggressive. And don't get me started on the many ways Facebook plays tricks with my messages, lol. But responding to my readers, and doing so in a very timely manner (within 24-48 hours), is extremely important to me. So if you have sent a communication to me in any of the mediums I've mentioned - direct email, FB, GoodReads or Twitter - and have not received a response, a technical glitch has occurred. Either your communication did not get through to me, or my response did not reach you. If you suspect that's the case, use one of the alternative communication methods to send me a "Hey, Joey, I sent you a note through email (or FB, or a tweet, etc). Did you get it?" message, and we'll make sure we sort it out. I will never intentionally ignore my readers!


While you can subscribe to the newsletter through my website, you may find your email host isn't letting it through, thanks to broad spam-blocking mechanisms that don't separate communications you've specifically requested to receive from those you haven't. Regrettably, there's not a lot we can do on this side if the newsletter is hitting an email filter that is bouncing it without notifying either one of us. However, we do have some things you can try that seem to have worked for folks:

FIRST - make sure the newsletter email is part of your contact list: "newsletter@PROTECTED."

SECOND - Check whatever filters you do have for spam and the like and see what methods are available to you to ensure an email like this gets through. My newsletters have a plethora of links in them to make it easy for you to find the things I'm talking about, but the flip side of that is it can get the newsletter tagged pretty quickly as spam.

THIRD - Contact me at newsletter@PROTECTED and ask to be unsubscribed. Once we confirm with you that has been done, rather than us sending you an invitation (which can bounce for the aforementioned reasons), we have you go in to the website newsletter link and subscribe yourself - here's the link to that. If it works, you'll get an automatic invitation to confirm, and then, fingers crossed, you should be set.

FOURTH - If none of this works or all of it is just too frustrating and you want to say "screw it!" (and I can hardly blame you, lol), then just make sure you've liked my FB page or are following me on Twitter. This is because EVERY MONTH I will post the latest newsletter link on both of those, to make sure it reaches the widest number of people possible! It's the same link monthly, so if you want, just put https://storywitch.com/newsletter/?latest as one of your Favorites. You can click on it anytime to see if an update has been posted. I post a new one every 30-45 days, give or take a few days.

Featured Book

Cover image for

Release News


12/15/2019 - Vampire Master - Book 16 of the Vampire Queen series

08/2019 - Naughty Bits - re-release as a self-published title in print and ebook.

07/2019 - Vampire Queen's Servant - re-release as a self-published title in print and ebook.

6/30/19 - The Problem with Witches - A Crossover novel of the Arcane Shot and Knights of the Board Room series


2019 - The Problem with Witches - TBA (see What's Next in the main body of the newsletter for more details)

01/21/2019 - Re-release of Beloved Vampire, Vampire Mistress, Taken by a Vampire, Controlled Response and Honor Bound as self published titles. See main body of newsletter for all book links.

11/15/2018 - Vampire's Embrace - Alistair and Nina's story, Book 15 of the Vampire Queen series (but the book can standalone)

Online Appearances

GoodReads Blog - Whenever I have something half-way interesting to say (hopefully), I post it on my blog. Check out the latest, as well as the backlog of over 80 posts!

For my most up-to-date appearances info throughout the month, follow me on Twitter or "Like" my Author Page on Facebook - I'll keep you in the loop as things happen!

FEB 26, 7:45 - 8:00 PM ET - Appearance in Elizabeth's Playroom, the private Facebook group of Elizabeth SaFleur. I'll be joining loads of other authors (who will be appearing throughout the day in their own timeslots) in the celebration of her newest release, Fearless. Be sure and join the group ahead of time if you want to participate!

GoodReads Blog - Whenever I have something half-way interesting to say (hopefully), I post it on my blog. Check out the latest, as well as the backlog of nearly 60 posts!

For my most up-to-date appearances info throughout the month, follow me on Twitter or "Like" my Author Page on Facebook - I'll keep you in the loop as things happen!

Conference Appearances

SEXY AND SASSY SIGNING 2020 - July 9-12 - next year's popular reader/author event will happen in Norfolk, VA. The theme is Sinful Fairy Tales! Click on the link above to find out more. You can also join the SASS Attendee group once you've registered.

SEXY AND SASSY SIGNING 2019 - July 11-14, 2019 - this popular reader/author event will happen in Charlotte, NC. Click on the link to find out more. Registration is open now! Don't delay making your hotel reservations so we can play together!

Extra Stuff...

Want a Kindle signature? My books are listed at the Authorgraph site, so if you'd like a "Kindlegraph", send me a request! Just go to Authorgraph.com, put Joey W. Hill in the search line, and it will pull up my books, with a "Request Authorgraph" button beneath each.

Want a signed bookplate for your print book and a bookmark? No need to be bummed about not seeing me at a book signing. Just shoot me an email at storywitch@PROTECTED with your mailing address and the title(s) of the book(s) for which you want a signature, and I'll send you personalized bookplates anytime, free of charge. And I always send it with a signed bookmark!


"I have a question." Answer: "Have you checked the author's website?"

I am ALWAYS delighted to hear from my readers, and I never mind answering your questions. However, about 90% of the general questions I receive on email can be quickly answered on my website, www.storywitch.com. And the cool thing is you get your answer in the time it takes you to do a couple clicks, versus having to type up your question and send it to me, then wait for me to emerge from my writing cave and check my email.

A lot of authors experience this now. Because we have so much more of a presence at FB, Twitter, and the like, it's easy to forget that most authors still maintain a website where you can quickly get info. On my site, you can not only find BLURBS and FREE EXCERPTS for every book I've published, you can find SERIES ORDER, including recommendations on which ones can stand alone or need specific titles to be read first. Under the In the Works page, you'll find information about UPCOMING RELEASES and what's percolating (the popular "will you ever write a book about so-n-so" question would be answered there).

Just go to my website, storywitch.com, and enjoy your visit. It is specifically and deliberately designed not to be flashy or confusing. Just look at the drop down menus at the top for what you're seeking.

Want a Kindle signature? My books are listed at the Authorgraph site, so if you'd like a "Kindlegraph", send me a request! Just go to Authorgraph.com, put Joey W. Hill in the search line, and it will pull up my books, with a "Request Authorgraph" button beneath each.

Want a signed bookplate for your print book and a bookmark? No need to be bummed about not seeing me at a book signing. Just shoot me an email at storywitch@PROTECTED with your mailing address and the title(s) of the book(s) for which you want a signature, and I'll send you personalized bookplates anytime, free of charge. And I always send it with a signed bookmark!

MUGS MUGS MUGS We have five gorgeous mug designs! They feature Hostile Takeover of Knights of the Board Room, Natural Law of Nature of Desire, Night's Templar of the Vampire Queen books, and Make Her Dreams Come True (the first erotic romance I ever wrote). There's also a Joey W. Hill signature mug. These are for sale on my website HERE. Just follow the directions to order your preference.

Useful Information

"I have a question."

Answer: "Have you checked my website?"

I am ALWAYS delighted to hear from my readers, and I never mind answering your questions. However, about 90% of the general questions I receive on email can be quickly answered on my website, www.storywitch.com. And the cool thing is you get your answer in the time it takes you to do a couple clicks, versus having to type up your question and send it to me, then wait for me to emerge from my writing cave and check my email.

A lot of authors experience this now. Because we have so much more of a presence at FB, Twitter, and the like, it's easy to forget that most authors still maintain a website where you can quickly get info. On my site, you can not only find BLURBS and FREE EXCERPTS for every book I've published, you can find SERIES ORDER, including recommendations on which ones can stand alone or need specific titles to be read first. Under the In the Works page, you'll find information about UPCOMING RELEASES and what's percolating (the popular "will you ever write a book about so-n-so" question would be answered there).

Just go to my website at storywitch.com, and enjoy your visit. It is specifically and deliberately designed not to be flashy or confusing. Just look at the drop down menus at the top for what you're seeking.

"I have a question."

Answer: "Have you checked my website?"

I am ALWAYS delighted to hear from my readers, and I never mind answering your questions. However, about 90% of the general questions I receive on email can be quickly answered on my website, www.storywitch.com. And the cool thing is you get your answer in the time it takes you to do a couple clicks, versus having to type up your question and send it to me, then wait for me to emerge from my writing cave and check my email.

A lot of authors experience this now. Because we have so much more of a presence at FB, Twitter, and the like, it's easy to forget that most authors still maintain a website where you can quickly get info. On my site, you can not only find BLURBS and FREE EXCERPTS for every book I've published, you can find SERIES ORDER, including recommendations on which ones can stand alone or need specific titles to be read first. Under the In the Works page, you'll find information about UPCOMING RELEASES and what's percolating (the popular "will you ever write a book about so-n-so" question would be answered there).

Just go to my website at storywitch.com, and enjoy your visit. It is specifically and deliberately designed not to be flashy or confusing. Just look at the drop down menus at the top for what you're seeking.