August 2023


I'm 80k words into the first draft of At Her Pleasure, and Mick and Cyn's high voltage chemistry is roaring right along. Since I'm kind of the first reader of the books the muse gives me to write. I'm learning their backstory, including why Cyn is so volatile, and how her family background ties into Mick's present. With every book I write, this creative "unfolding" renews my love for the storytelling process.

Do you want to know what the book's about, and see the beautiful cover? That information is below, with a fun teaser from the current draft. We also have PREORDER LINKS! Release date will be November 30. Reserve your copy so it will be on your device after Thanksgiving. You can reward yourself for all the cooking, cleaning and family entertaining. Or, if you don't do all that nonsense, it can just be an anticipated (and hopefully satisfying, if I do my job right) weekend read.

It was a night for doing stupid things...

Ten years ago, Mick should have arrested the drunk, angry woman vandalizing a cemetery. Instead, on that cold night, he yielded to her pain and rage, and let her go.  Now a former cop, he's come to New Orleans on business, which brings him face to face with the woman he never forgot.

Cynbad Marigold is a successful businesswoman and a formidable Domme, a Mistress who chooses subs who need enough pain to appease her limitless craving to give it. Most subs safeword before she goes too deep, but when Mick reappears in her life, he doesn't want safety. In uncovering the shocking depths of his own darkness, Cyn realizes the pleasure she takes in giving pain is matched only by how much she wants to give him the home he needs…safe in the shadows of her soul.

Whose darkness will take them deeper—and will their bond keep them from going too far?

Preorder Now!

While ALL of them can standalone, there are currently THREE other books in the Mistresses of the Board Room series. Enjoy them before Cyn's story releases in November!

At Her Command

At Her Service

At Her Call


"Hill brings you into her world and you don't ever want to leave. This book took me longer to read because after certain scenes I just wanted to hold onto the feelings evoked. I would put it down to savor what I experienced. Another great read by Joey W. Hill."

--Wyldheart Reads

"This was my first Joey W. Hill book, and I’m kicking myself for not reading any of her books sooner. Highly recommended..."

--A Book Lovin' Mama's Blog

It thrills me to pieces that both existing and new readers are loving Brick and Les's story. I hope you all have been enjoying it too, or you'll have the chance to do so in the future, when it makes it to the top of your TBR pile!

ALL LINKS (Universal)

Amazon US * Kobo * Nook * Google * iBooks



I put this on my social media platforms at the end of May, but I wanted to be sure my newsletter subscribers saw it, too! Would you like a printable checklist to keep track of the Vampire Queen series books and novellas you've already read, plan to read, or need to buy? The books are listed in the reading order in which I wrote them. Also included is a list of the downloadable FREE Bonus Content stories/novellas from the series, so you can make sure you have all of those as well. Many thanks to Lara Adrian for the concept. She did this for her wonderful Midnight Breed series, and then a reader sent it to me and said, "hey, this is a fabulous idea!" What would I do without you all?

I also plan to do one of these lists for my Nature of Desire and Knights of the Board Room series when I have more hours in the day. Remember, if you ever want a MASTER booklist of all my titles, divided by series, in chronological order, all you have to do is visit my website, click on the Books menu item (click ON it, not the drop down menu) and it will take you to that list!


You may already follow my Facebook Author Page, but perhaps have never joined my JWHMembersOnly fan group. Members post a lot of fun stuff there, and you can lurk or participate in the lively comment exchanges as much as you wish. No drama or politics - just pure love of books, reading, and the erotic romance genre. All this month, Get That Book is running a Join Our Group giveaway where, if you join my fan group, or the fan groups of other authors participating, you'll be entered in the $200 giveaway! Just click here for the details. You only join the author groups you want to join, so if mine's the only one, you're entered! If you see other authors whose group you want to join, that just increases your winning chances!


In the last issue of the newsletter, I offered the chance to win a $50 book vendor gift certificate to those who sent me the answer to the question, "What's your favorite Nature of Desire series book" (or your favorite of all my books/series). I have loved reading your responses! Nancy D said if she "had" to choose, it would be Thomas and Marcus's story in Rough Canvas. She was my randomly chosen winner, but I wish I could have awarded everyone a gift certificate, particularly after reading answers like these:

"Ugh! You know us book readers--we can never limit ourselves to just one of anything!  I am LOVING your Mistresses of the Board Room series soooooo much, but I also loved Unrestrained...and also...I better stop..." --Tina S

"No way in hell am I gonna pick just one.  My response is, I LOVE THEM ALL!!!! Brick is gonna be one of my new favorites.  But then again, all of your guys are special.  I've never met one that I didn't fall for. So, if that knocks me out of the contest, OH WELL...I'll just be down here, loving them all." -- Shirley L

See what I mean? Thank you so much EVERYONE who sent me their answers, chock full of love and smiles about the books and characters.


Since marketing wisdom says info can take two or three subsequent appearances to be noticed, I wanted to include this reminder for you all again (smile). Most of my Nature of Desire and Knights of the Board Room series, plus several of the Vampire Queen series and Naughty Bits, are available in audio format, so feel free to skim the full library here. Enjoy!


THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews or direct recommendation in online groups or one-on-one to friends and family. It ALL helps!!

Let's check out this month's featured three e-books - download one or more today!

eBook Spotlight


Vivian brings us a historical omegaverse book this month, complete with the elegant world of the ton, two Dukes and the woman caught between them. Zoe offers an escape into the fast-paced mafia world of stalking, secret identities, and deliciously heated arranged marriages. Then there's Tereece's enemies-to-lovers romantic suspense story, the debut novel that launched her into the romance world. Enjoy!

[Reminder: Books that are free or with sale prices may be temporary, so grab them now!]

Featured Book

Cover image for

Release News


12/15/2019 - Vampire Master - Book 16 of the Vampire Queen series

08/2019 - Naughty Bits - re-release as a self-published title in print and ebook.

07/2019 - Vampire Queen's Servant - re-release as a self-published title in print and ebook.

6/30/19 - The Problem with Witches - A Crossover novel of the Arcane Shot and Knights of the Board Room series


11/30/2023 - At Her Pleasure, Book 4 of the Mistresses of the Board Room series

06/30/2023 - Ignition Sequence, Brick and Les's story, a Nature of Desire series novel

11/30/2022 - At Her Call, Book 3 of the Mistresses of the Board Room series 

06/15/2022 - Arcane Chaos, Book 3 in the Arcane Shot series 

Online Appearances

GoodReads Blog - Whenever I have something half-way interesting to say (hopefully), I post it on my blog. Check out the latest, as well as the backlog of over 80 posts!

For my most up-to-date appearances info throughout the month, follow me on Twitter or "Like" my Author Page on Facebook - I'll keep you in the loop as things happen!

GoodReads Blog - Whenever I have something half-way interesting to say (hopefully), I post it on my blog. Check the backlog of over 80 posts here, on a variety of topics you may enjoy.

Online Appearances - For my most up-to-date appearances info throughout the month, follow me on MeWe, Twitter or "Like" my Author Page on Facebook - I'll keep you in the loop as things happen. And we'd love to have you join us on the Facebook JWHMembersOnly fan site. The members as well as myself routinely post content related to my books and our shared love of the erotic romance genre.

Conference Appearances

SEXY AND SASSY SIGNING 2020 - July 9-12 - next year's popular reader/author event will happen in Norfolk, VA. The theme is Sinful Fairy Tales! Click on the link above to find out more. You can also join the SASS Attendee group once you've registered.


No conferences this year, but look under the Extra Stuff section for ways to get a signed book or swag from me anyway!

Extra Stuff...

Want a Kindle signature? My books are listed at the Authorgraph site, so if you'd like a "Kindlegraph", send me a request! Just go to, put Joey W. Hill in the search line, and it will pull up my books, with a "Request Authorgraph" button beneath each.

Want a signed bookplate for your print book and a bookmark? No need to be bummed about not seeing me at a book signing. Just shoot me an email at storywitch@PROTECTED with your mailing address and the title(s) of the book(s) for which you want a signature, and I'll send you personalized bookplates anytime, free of charge. And I always send it with a signed bookmark!


"I have a question." Answer: "Have you checked the author's website?"

I am ALWAYS delighted to hear from my readers, and I never mind answering your questions. However, about 90% of the general questions I receive on email can be quickly answered on my website, And the cool thing is you get your answer in the time it takes you to do a couple clicks, versus having to type up your question and send it to me, then wait for me to emerge from my writing cave and check my email.

A lot of authors experience this now. Because we have so much more of a presence at FB, Twitter, and the like, it's easy to forget that most authors still maintain a website where you can quickly get info. On my site, you can not only find BLURBS and FREE EXCERPTS for every book I've published, you can find SERIES ORDER, including recommendations on which ones can stand alone or need specific titles to be read first. Under the In the Works page, you'll find information about UPCOMING RELEASES and what's percolating (the popular "will you ever write a book about so-n-so" question would be answered there).

Just go to my website,, and enjoy your visit. It is specifically and deliberately designed not to be flashy or confusing. Just look at the drop down menus at the top for what you're seeking.

Want a SIGNED BOOKMARK? I have seven beautiful bookmarks, each design representing one of my series: Knights of the Board Room, Nature of Desire, Vampire Queen, Arcane Shot, Daughters of Arianne, Mistresses of the Board Room, and Naughty Bits. You can look at them here (click on the one you like for a larger view).

Just shoot me an email at with your mailing address and tell me which bookmark you want. I'll send you two of that design - one for you and one to share! And yes, I WILL mail bookmarks to international readers.  NOTE: some of these show previous cover editions, but hopefully that doesn't detract from their appeal! 

Want a SIGNED BOOK? Bummed because you can't make it to a signing? Just email me at with 1) what book you want, 2) your mailing address, and 3) if you want me to personalize it to a particular name (Mary, Marie, Marissa, etc), or no personalization, just a signature and a cheery note. I'll shoot you an invoice and, once that's squared away, the book will be on its way to you!

Want a SIGNED BOOKPLATE? Want a bookplate for your favorite JWH book(s)? Just shoot me an email at with your mailing address, the title(s) of the book(s), and I'll send you personalized bookplates anytime, free of charge. And I always send it with a signed bookmark!

Want to read BONUS CONTENT STORIES revisiting Joey's characters? She has over a dozen FREE novellas/shorts with easy BookFunnel download links. You'll find them all under the Cantrips (Vignettes) menu item on her website.

Want Joey to visit your BOOKCLUB? She is available for online bookclub meetings and even sometimes in-person clubs, within a reasonable geographic range. Don't hesitate to ask! Just email her at

Useful Information

"I have a question."

Answer: "Have you checked my website?"

I am ALWAYS delighted to hear from my readers, and I never mind answering your questions. However, about 90% of the general questions I receive on email can be quickly answered on my website, And the cool thing is you get your answer in the time it takes you to do a couple clicks, versus having to type up your question and send it to me, then wait for me to emerge from my writing cave and check my email.

A lot of authors experience this now. Because we have so much more of a presence at FB, Twitter, and the like, it's easy to forget that most authors still maintain a website where you can quickly get info. On my site, you can not only find BLURBS and FREE EXCERPTS for every book I've published, you can find SERIES ORDER, including recommendations on which ones can stand alone or need specific titles to be read first. Under the In the Works page, you'll find information about UPCOMING RELEASES and what's percolating (the popular "will you ever write a book about so-n-so" question would be answered there).

Just go to my website at, and enjoy your visit. It is specifically and deliberately designed not to be flashy or confusing. Just look at the drop down menus at the top for what you're seeking.


"I have a question." Answer: "Have you checked the author's website?"

I am ALWAYS delighted to hear from my readers, and I never mind answering your questions. However, remember a lot of questions can be quickly answered on my website. Just look at the drop down menus at the top for what you're seeking. You'll find BUY LINKS, BLURBS and FREE EXCERPTS for every book I've published. You can also find SERIES ORDER, and recommendations on which books can stand alone or need specific titles to be read first. If you particularly loved a series or specific characters, you'll also find FREE BONUS CONTENT, including short stories/novellas and interviews revisiting them. 


Find me online through my website email contact link (little envelope under Follow Me on the right side of home page) or email me directly at You can leave a question for me under my Author Profile on GoodReads. I'm on Twitter and Facebook (Author Page), and regularly stop in at the JWHMembersOnly fan group. I'm also on MeWe, if you prefer that platform to Facebook. If you'd like to see the pics that inspire some of my books, visit me on Pinterest, or check out my handful of videos on YouTube.


Responding to my readers, and doing so in a very timely manner (within 24-48 hours), is extremely important to me. So if you have sent a communication to me in any medium noted above and have not received a response, a technical glitch has occurred. Either your communication did not get through to me, or my response did not reach you. If you suspect that's the case, use one of the alternative methods to send me a "Hey, Joey, I sent you a note through email (or social media platform, etc). Did you get it?" message, and we'll make sure we sort it out. I will never intentionally ignore my readers!

HAVING PROBLEMS GETTING MY NEWSLETTER PAST YOUR SPAM FILTER? - Whenever I issue a newsletter, I will post about it on the social media platforms mentioned above, to ensure it reaches the widest number of people possible. So if you're following me on any of them, you'll get a heads up. Or you can put as one of your Favorite links. You can click on it anytime to see if a new newsletter has been released. I try to get a new issue out during the first 7 days of every month.


NEVER an obligation, but when you follow or review me on Bookbub, Amazon or both, it increases my books' visibility and marketing options on those sites. And in return, you get a heads up about releases and sales!

Thank you so much for your support of my work!