AT HER WILL is LIVE! As you can see from the graphic, we've been getting some wonderful feedback on Vera and Rev, which I'm always glad (aka relieved to pieces, lol) to see. Thank you to all my readers who take the time to leave reviews at places like Amazon, GoodReads or Bookbub, or who share your reactions with friends, bookclubs, online groups and others. However, if you're not able or inclined to do any of those things, that is OKAY. Just purchasing the book is something I deeply appreciate as well, and I hope you ALL love the story. ♥💜♥
[Note: If you are a reviewer or blogger who uses BookSirens, the ARC is available there for your download.]
HAVE YOU READ ALL THE MBR BOOKS? Don't forget there are FOUR other standalone Mistresses of the Board Room stories. Whichever one (or more) you decide to try, I hope you have a blast reading them!
The other day, a reader asked for a list of my books with a Dominant heroine, and I figured those who love how I write FemDomme might want to make sure they've read them all. Or maybe you've decided to give them a try, and would like to know what those titles are. 📚📚📚 So here they are.
FEMDOMME BOOKS (as of 2/2025) - ⛓⛓ All can standalone unless otherwise indicated. ⛓⛓
VAMPIRE QUEEN Vampire Queen's Servant Mark of the Vampire Queen (read VQS first, this is part 2 of Lyssa and Jacob's story) Vampire's Claim Vampire Mistress (M/F/m - so there is some topping by the male Dom vampire) Vampire Trinity (Part 2 of Vampire Mistress - need to read Vampire Mistress first) Bound by the Vampire Queen (need to read Vampire Queen's Servant and Mark of the Vampire Queen first, as this is Book 3 of Lyssa and Jacob's journey) Nightfall (the book I co-authored with the much-missed Desiree Holt)
MISTRESSES OF THE BOARD ROOM At Her Command At Her Service (Dom hero and Domme heroine; Dom hero does top her in some instances) At Her Call At Her Pleasure At Her Will
NATURE OF DESIRE Holding the Cards Natural Law Ice Queen (though heroine is a Domme/switch, with the switch being only for the Dom hero) Mirror of My Soul (Part 2 of Ice Queen, so same applies and Ice Queen should be read first) Mistress of Redemption Branded Sanctuary (heroine is vanilla adventurous, not a natural Domme, but hero is committed service sub) Divine Solace (F/m/f) Truly Helpless
Hope that list helps! And remember if you ever want a printable list of all my titles, all you have to do is go to my website and click on the Books menu item at the top of the page (not the drop down menu).
On February 15, we had a good party at the JWHMembersOnly Facebook Group and Author pages on Facebook and MeWe to celebrate the release of AT HER WILL. Below are the post highlights, and I've included the links if you want to jump over and read them. These links are to my JoeyWHillAuthor Facebook Page.
Though you'll find some reactions under these posts, most discussions and more involved comments happen over at the JWHMembersOnly Facebook Group. If you're interested in those reactions, you can Join the group (if you haven't already) and find these same posts by scrolling down and looking for February 15 postings. They are also all on my MeWe page if you prefer that platform!
I did have a post about this on release day, but since it's often the question readers most want to know, I thought I'd recap it right here. So...what book IS next? Umm… I don’t know, lol. Wait! Don't be alarmed.
As of this year, I’ve written sixty books, the bulk of them full length novels, some of them long enough to do double duty as door stops – ha! That doesn’t include my three character-revisit compilations (Cantrips 1 & 2 and Knight Nostalgia).
I have been writing since the late 90s, published since 2000, and a full-time author since 2007, with small press and NY publishers. I migrated into self-publishing in 2015 and took over the non-subsidiary rights on all my books by 2019. So I’ve been a professional author for 25+ years.
It’s time to take a beat and determine where I am mentally in this amazing journey. As I constantly (tediously) mention, I’m a muse-driven author. So what is my muse saying right now?
MUSE: “Take a break, dearie, and do a few months of marketing while I eponymously muse – get it?”
ME: *carefully hidden eye roll* “Yes, get it. Though I’m not sure if that’s a perfect fit, grammatically speaking.”
MUSE: “Just because a coupling requires some work doesn’t mean the two don’t go together. Look at the enormous equipment on some of our male characters. Ben, Dev… It’s like puzzle pieces. If you keep pushing it in, eventually it works.”
ME: "Yeah, next time a reader questions my word choices, I'll mention that. I’m sure they’ll give me a thumbs up." *under my breath* “you crazy sadist.”
MUSE: *frostily* “What was that?”
ME: “Nothing. Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to market my books I go.”
Most of my series with natural ending points have reached them, if that’s where they wish to be left, and the open-ended ones, Nature of Desire and Naughty Bits, can stop or start at will, because their theme/setup makes them eternally open-ended. But all of my series still have characters with stories that could be told.
Bastion, my sexy office manager in the Mistresses of the Board Room series, is a very good example of that. He’s standing expectantly on that threshold, but he’s a patient Dom. If it’s not yet time, it’s not yet time. Over the years, you all have also given me plenty of input into characters whose stories you’d like to see happen. Some of them agreed enthusiastically. Others appreciated the interest, but have never volunteered to take center stage (or at least not yet). So a lack of material isn’t an issue. I just need a break to ponder.
There’s also a practical reason for this decision. The 4-6 week marketing breaks I’ve taken these past several years after reaching my “two releases a year” goal have resulted in good things, but where the market is right now, more is needed. I need a solid few months of dedicated effort to see if it will be enough to carry me forward, financially and creatively.
So I’ll keep you posted, and in the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy re-reads of my books (or catch up on the ones you haven’t yet read) and help me spread the word about my stories to your friends who are avid readers. I’ll of course continue to be very present on my social media platforms and with my monthly newsletter so you can keep track of the latest status!
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews, participating in book discussions in online groups, doing posts about them on your social media platforms, or recommending my work to friends and family. It is the best kind of marketing any author can have.
Now let's check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS!
Only a few more days until the release of AT HER WILL!!! I am as excited about this as I am about watching the movie Valentine's Day on February 14 and eating a bucketful of Dove Dark Chocolate Promises. I LOVE the ones that look like little hearts. For some reason they taste better than the normal squarish ones, even though those are fabulous, too. ♥💜♥
WANT TO PREORDER YOUR COPY? Have it delivered and waiting on your device on release day - FEBRUARY 15!
HOW ABOUTPRINT FORMAT? It went live TODAY, which means yes, you can order and have it shipped to you IMMEDIATELY. We always release it about 10-14 days ahead of the "official" release date so readers preferring that format have a better chance of receiving it by the official release day. And it often arrives even earlier!
Are you a REVIEWER or BLOGGER at BookSirens? The ARC is now available there for your download, and I thank you in advance for reading and posting your feedback or review at vendor sites and/or at your own pages/groups. It's promo'ed there for THREE MONTHS, so you don't have to have it done by release day. It's appreciated anytime!
The FIRST ARC review has gone live on GoodReads, and it thrilled me to my toes!! 5 Stars from Tammi: "It was impossible to highlight my favorite passages, because the whole book would be pink or yellow. For all that's holy, what a marvelous, wonderful story. Heartbreaking, while pouring gold in the cracks..." The graphic below is the conclusion of her review.
RELEASE DAY FESTIVITIES: On February 15 I'll be doing simultaneous posts about the book at the JWHMembersOnly Facebook Group and my Joey W. Hill Author pages on Facebook and MeWe. I'll share behind-the-scenes tidbits, plus discuss the challenges of writing a Christian/Wiccan BDSM Romance (not a genre combination you see every day, lol). I'll also discuss what my next project will be, and anything else you all would like to talk about. Come on by! If you want to, but can't drop in on release day, I run the giveaways for about 48 hours and check back frequently to answer comments and questions during the same time span. So enjoy the posts whenever you have time.
If you're NOT on any of these platforms, never fear. I always do some highlights in the post-release newsletter issue.
HAVE YOU READ THE OTHER MBR BOOKS? Don't forget there are FOUR Mistresses of the Board Room books already out there to enjoy. They ALL can be read as standalones. As you might expect, these ladies play a key part in Vera's story, but so does a key member of the Knights of the Board Room series! (hint hint). Here are the links to the other books in the series:
Ben O'Callahan of Hostile Takeover continues to be a fan favorite hero. Case in point: A reader sent the following feedback to me just a few days ago (Ben and Marcie are key figures in Arcane Knight as well). I figured our "Ben" fans would appreciate and agree with her assessment.
That, and how close we are to Valentine's Day, also made me think of the "Ben's Valentine Letter to Marcie" piece I wrote in 2014 for SubClub Books. It's a personal favorite, and I always read it for my own pleasure around Valentine's Day. If you'd like to do the same, click here. I keep it on my website under the Character Interviews section. Happy Valentine's Day to you all. However you celebrate it, I hope it's a lovely day for you. 💘💌💕
The readers outdid themselves this month on the JWH MEMBERS ONLY FACEBOOK GROUP. They found so many funny book-related memes and reels. There was a "TED" talk between competitive fonts (yes, you read that correctly); an analysis of the incestuous nature of Folgers coffee commercials; a woman who came home to a hot shirtless male in her house and responded in a manner that would have done Lucille Ball proud...and the list goes on. It was hard to choose one for this issue, but I went with the "BookGoblin" reel posted by fantasy author Elisabeth Wheatley. I hope it will play for you, even for those who don't have Facebook, but even if it doesn't, check out Elisabeth's site. If she's that creative in her videos, I expect her books are even better.
If you click on the picture, it will take you to the video - it's less than a minute. It was making fun of "slow burn" books, which took me back to when I was writing Beloved Vampire. Mason and Jessica were in NO hurry to consummate things, even when the author kept whining about it being a freaking EROTIC ROMANCE. characters don't listen to me.
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews, participating in book discussions in online groups, doing posts about them on your social media platforms, or recommending my work to friends and family. It is the best kind of marketing any author can have.
Now let's check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS!
Happy new year, everyone!! We brought in the new year with a small family gathering, finger foods and an obligatory watching of the movie New Year's Eve. I love the whole trilogy of those movies, which you know means I watch Love Actually at Christmas and will look forward to Valentine's Day at guess when? I'm proud to report I stayed up until midnight instead of falling asleep and setting an alarm, lol. However you all brought in the new year, I hope you had a good time and that 2025 brings you many wonderful reads, joy and good adventures with loved ones. My local bookstore had a good suggestion for our new year's resolutions. What do you think? I'm on board for it!
Thank you everyone who sent me entries for my favorite giveaway of the year. Animal charities, national parks, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Salvation Army, St. Jude's...and the list goes on. Thank you for being so generous and opening your hearts to those in need. My randomly chosen winner was Carol M, who asked for the donation to go to the Sparkle Cat Rescue in Burlington, NC! Which of course gave me a vision of sparkly Twilight vampire cats, lol... 😸🧛🏻♀️
The second edit round is DONE. Two rounds to go, including the final proof version where I read the whole thing aloud to my cats and dogs. They are usually quite unimpressed, but I try not to let it crush my fragile writer ego. Ha! Actually, when it comes to my writing, I have the skin of a rhinoceros, because you can't be an author and be thin-skinned, though you do have to keep your heart and soul open, to give the story its heart and soul. It's an interesting balance. I expect it's the same for any creative endeavor, whether it's writing, singing, acting, painting, etc. Here's a little teaser graphic to hold us over until release day. Just a little over a month to go!
ARE YOU ON THE JWH MEMBERS ONLY FACEBOOK GROUP? If so, I've posted their exclusive THREE CHAPTER early peek. It's a BookFunnel link, so you can load it on your preferred device. When you go on the group, it's pinned to the featured post section to make it easy to find. If you'll be joining us as a new group member, welcome! It's a wonderful, laid-back community, with posts celebrating my books, reading, and the erotic romance genre.
If you don't want to join the group, but would like to read an excerpt from Vera and Rev's book, remember the CHAPTER ONE preview is available to all, and includes the intriguing moment when Vera and Rev meet. Click here to get that through BookFunnel for your e-reader.
Have you PREORDERED the book? Use one of the links below to make sure you'll have it bright and early on February 15! Print format will be available a week or two before the February 15 release day.
Ros and Lawrence's clip was deemed "nice" and Matt and Savannah's was "naughty," lol. Though the books have plenty of both kinds, the clips had to be shorter, and all the naughty ones from At Her Command were 2000-3000 words. Oh well - erotic romance readers enjoy both, right? I know I do. There were SO many good excerpts posted throughout the month. If you're on Facebook, I highly recommend heading over there to browse and see if you can find your next good read.
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews, participating in book discussions in online groups, doing posts about them on your social media platforms, or recommending my work to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and the best kind of marketing any author can have.
Now let's check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS!
Wow, it's been a fast month, hasn't it? I hope all of you who celebrated Thanksgiving last week enjoyed good times with loved ones. My brother and sister-in-law came to visit, and we had a good meal with them and my mother-in-law. Scott handles pretty much all the cooking, but me and my sister-in-law do all the grunt work (chopping, measuring, etc). As usual, we had way too much, but we're getting better about judging the amount we need, and it offers us the opportunity to give the excess to those who need it. A lot of our area civic clubs and churches were doing free Thanksgiving dinners. People often find their best selves at the holidays. And on that note...
It's time for my annual charity giveaway! Email or FB DM me the name of your favorite charity at, and before the next issue, I'll randomly select a winner and send $100 to that charity! (Email is for prize purposes only - it will NOT be sold or used for anything else.) This is one of my favorite giveaways of the year, because it reinforces how generous and kind my readers are, and how many organizations out there are trying to make life better for others. In short, it gets me in the Christmas spirit. I look forward to your entries!
I'll finish the first edit round this week and start on the second on Monday when my brain is fresh. Rev and Vera's story is coming together well, though as usual during the first edit I'm wondering if I've written a complete disaster of a story (see the meme below). Scott tells me this is ALWAYS my process. Second edit is where I start feeling more comfortable about it. So bring on the second edit!
Since I'm in the middle of the editing process, I don't have a lot of new stuff to share right now, but let me remind you there's a free CHAPTER ONE preview for At Her Will, which yes, includes how Vera and Rev meet. Here it is - you can choose your preferred download format from this BookFunnel link:
All preorder links are available now (look below the graphic). Have it waiting on your ereader when you wake up on February 15! Print format will be available a week or two before the February 15 release day. I'll keep you posted on that. In the meantime, here's another teaser for you all.
For those of you who have read one or more of the Mistresses of the Board Room books, you are familiar with Bastian, the six foot tall admin for Thomas Rose & Associates. When I was purchasing new images for my cover and graphic libraries, I stumbled on this one. Though currently Bastian has long locs, I could handle having him shave his head to look like this! What do you think?
I like the "memory" feature in my OneDrive, where it shows me things I posted a year or more ago. I don't know where I found this, but it's worth posting again. Hope it gives you a smile as you move forward. The late-in-the-month Thanksgiving Thursday can make the Christmas/Yule season a little chaotic, but remember to take a breath on the holiday Hamster wheel and remember what it's all about. Love, family, friends and being kind to one another.
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through posting reviews, participating in book discussions in online groups, or recommending my work to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and the best kind of marketing any author can have.
Now let's check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS!
Are you ready to get a sneak peek at the opening for At Her Will, which yes, includes how Vera and Rev meet? Here it is - you can choose your preferred download format from this BookFunnel link:
Have you ordered your copy of the book? All preorder links are available now (look below the graphic). Have it waiting on your ereader when you wake up on February 15! Print format will be available a week or two before the February 15 release day. Ill keep you posted on that. In the meantime, here's a little teaser for you all.
I finished the first draft a couple days before my favorite holiday, Halloween/Samhain, so of course I told myself all that candy I ate was my reward. I did give "some" to the kids, never fear. Now I'm treadmilling like a pudgy little hamster on amphetamines. The feet are flying! I'm stoked about getting into the first edit round.
Don't forget there are FOUR other Mistresses of the Board Room books already out there to enjoy. They ALL can be read as standalones!
These beautiful words from Nikita Gill (below) work for many of our couples/trios, like Ben and Marcie of Hostile Takeover, Cyn and Mick from At Her Pleasure,and LOTS of our vampires in the Vampire Queen series, lol. When I posted it on the JWHMembersOnly group, several members brought up how it applied to their own relationships as well, which was an interesting thread to read.
The graphic also has a nice spookiness to go with our recent Halloween/Samhain holiday. For Wiccans like myself, Samhain is the end of the year, a closing out of the things we wish to put behind us and a new cycle of growth and insights ahead. I hope all of you find yourself with too many blessings to count when you celebrate Thanksgiving, and discover wondrous new books and adventures to embrace as we roll toward the Christmas/Yule season.
I'll finish with a smile before we go to our featured ebooks. Here's this month grin from the JWHMembers group. What IS it about hair pulling that catches our attention? It starts in grade school, for heaven's sake, when the boy behind us pulls our pigtails! I think I like the adult version of it more, though (wicked grin).
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through posting reviews, participating in book discussions in online groups, or recommending my work to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and the best kind of marketing any author can have.
Now let's check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS!
You can now preorder At Her Will, the next standalone title in the Mistresses of the Board Room series! Release day is 2/15/25. Yes, normally my second book of the year comes out IN the same year, and I do apologize for the delay. Real life has been a little challenging of late, PLUS this plot line is complicated. I want to make sure I give Vera and Rev the time they need to tell their story right. 📚📚📚
On the plus side, you can go ahead and order the book NOW, so on release day, it will show up on your device, ready to read! As always, the print format will be released/available about 10 days before the official release date, and I'll post that announcement on the social media sites and update the links on my website. No plans at this time for an audio version.
Last month, I mentioned I was working on the official blurb, and here it is!
“I dreem [sic] of kneeling…for her.”
It’s a simple sentence carved on a school maintenance shed wall, but it’s a message a Domme can’t ignore. Especially when Vera meets the man who wrote it, and he’s nothing like any submissive she’s encountered before.
Rev is a janitor at a middle school, and possesses a singing voice that “calls the soul home” in his family’s church. He’s the most spiritually mature and intuitive person Vera has met, a man good at caring for others; the kids at his school, his church congregation, and his family. But the relationship he yearns for with a woman is a challenge to his family’s understanding, and their control over his life’s path.
While only a Mistress with a strong spiritual compass herself can help him reconcile the two, only he can bring her the love Vera feels like she’s waited two lifetimes to have.
I look forward to sharing Vera and Rev's story with you, and giving you more teasers like these as we move toward that release date.
That could buy a LOT of books, right? Follow me and other favorite authors on Bookbub to get a chance to win it! If you're already following me on Bookbub (thank you!) you can still enter. Here's how to do it. Just click this link. You'll enter your email for your initial entry, and then you can choose which authors you want to follow on Bookbub. Each follow earns you another entry in the giveaway, but even better, when that author has new releases, sales, etc, you'll hear about it from Bookbub. Thanks so much! Growing my followers on Bookbub helps me a lot, because it introduces new readers to my work and helps existing readers stay in the know on my latest offerings. If you've visited Bookbub, you know it's a pretty awesome site for readers.
Contest ends October 31!
While all the books in the Mistresses of the Board Room series can standalone, now's a great time to meet or revisit them. The heroes for our ladies are equally compelling - a cop, a sexy biker, a former Navy SEAL and an active Navy SEAL. Click on the image to go to the Amazon series link, or use the individual book links below the graphic. I put this one together early on in the life of the series, when I found just the right cover look for each of our Mistresses. 🌸🌸🌸
Throughout the month, my readers and I post all sorts of great book-related things on the JWHMembersOnly group. I also put mine on the JoeyWHill Author Page, Twitter and on MeWe. This was a fun find this month, though I noted that reading EROTIC ROMANCE has a caveat. The SO/DH knows at a certain point the electric fence WILL be deactivated and he/she will be in demand IMMEDIATELY. Lol... Agree or disagree? It also crossed my mind that I have certain submissive/masochist characters who would totally be into the spikes and electric play. Maybe not that bear trap, though - ER visits are SUCH a mood killer.
Hope everyone enjoys the cooler fall weather (where it applies), as we roll toward my favorite holiday - Halloween(aka Samhain). THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through posting reviews, participating in book discussions in online groups, or recommending my work to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and the best kind of marketing any author can have.
Now let's check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS!
"Love can kill you. Hate can force you to live. But only the one that can kill you is worth living for."
That's one of my favorite quotes from Vampire's Choice, and it comes from Mal, Ruth's father and hero of the earlier fan favorite in the series, Vampire Instinct. There's been a lot of discussion on the spoiler thread at the JWHMembersOnly group about all the ups and downs in Ruth and Merc's story. I'm happy, despite that rocky road, that 89% of reviewers to date have given it FIVE STARS. After writing seventeen books in the series, this particular author is delighted to see the majority love the newest one. Some of you have even reached out to say it's a new favorite. Thank you for that. Thank you all!!
Some longstanding issues were finally resolved/revisited in this story. Plus, MCs from SIXTEEN of the EIGHTEEN books either made appearances or had roles “off page,” making the book read like a grand farewell reunion. So it raises the question: Does this book conclude the Vampire Queen series?
Here's what I posted about this on release day on the FB and MeWe pages:
The answer to the question is…I don’t know. When I was writing it, it felt like the muse did want me to follow a story arc that “could” be seen as a natural conclusion to the series, without it officially being stated as such. Possibly to leave me open to revisit more standalone storylines, like James (head of security of Club Atlantis), or Kane, Farida and John (Lyssa and Mason’s children, respectively, and their human servant/friend), that won’t have to tie as closely into the complicated backstory that naturally builds up as a paranormal series gets longer and longer.
We’ll see. The muse tends to guide me toward the next book when I’m writing the book before it. Since Vera of At Her Will is the next book (see later in the newsletter for more about that), the muse hasn’t yet given me that direction. It will be interesting to see where she takes us!
And remember, if you have read NONE of the Vampire Queen series books but you're feeling the desire to do so, Book 1, Vampire Queen's Servant, is a permafree FIRST IN SERIES full length novel. You can grab it here anytime from your preferred vendor or at this BookFunnel link (book is not free at Nook - they don't let us do permafrees there, but the BF link can give you a format that works for it).
In June, I did a video interview with the lovely Sue Brown-Moore for the first annual Wanna Write Romance. That interview is now available for public viewing, so I wanted to share it with you. If you'd like to hear my thoughts on writing, erotic romance and a variety of other topics (or see how much grayer my hair is now than in that picture below, lol), just click here or on the graphic to go to the interview.
"I dreem [sic] of kneeling."
Vera finds this statement carved on the wall of a school maintenance shed. Rev, the man who wrote it, is an exceptional and complicated soul, the type of person neither she nor any of the other Mistresses of the Board Room could have anticipated as the submissive she's waited her whole life to meet.
I'm still working on a full blurb, but hope that little tidbit intrigues you all - I'm about 30k words in and it's already taking ME places I didn't expect, let alone Vera and Rev, lol.
While you're waiting for the book release, if you want to dive into the Mistresses of the Board Room, catch up on the ones you haven’t yet read, or re-read your favorites, you can find all vendor links and their descriptions here (they can each be read as a standalone):
At Her Command: CEO heroine, bodyguard/former SEAL hero, suspense subplot
At Her Service: CFO heroine dealing with mental illness, active SEAL hero
At Her Call: Mute heroine (tech/nerd girl!), sexy biker hero
At Her Pleasure: Sadist Domme heroine, cop hero, suspense subplot
Happy September (it's almost fall - I'm LONGING for less humidity)! THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through posting reviews, participating in book discussions in online groups, or recommending my work to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and the best kind of marketing any author can have!
Now let's check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS!
Yes, I do love a cartwheel emoji. If you can't physically do something, you can at least emoji it, lol. So far the wonderful feedback from ARC reviewers has reflected the spirit of this response, offered by Dotty W:
“Vampire's Choice is one of my favourite books in this series. Be forewarned, if this is your first book, you might end up finding all the previous books and reading them. The BDSM is delicious. The characters are fantastic. Highly recommend this reader to erotic romance readers who enjoy vampires and angels with a bite.” --La Crimson Femme Reviews, 5 stars
"Once again, Joey has given us an amazing story and moved the VQ series further into our hearts..." --ARC reviewer
So Ruth and Merc's story is FINALLY HERE! Have you started reading? Did you read any of the previous books to prepare for their arrival? If you're already pretty familiar with the VQ world, you likely didn't need to do so, but I hope the revisits were fun. I had to do a lot of re-reading and skimming of previous books to check the continuity of characters, timelines and story arc, and I enjoyed spending time with characters I hadn't seen in a while.
And remember, if you have read NONE of the Vampire Queen series books but want to do so, Book 1, Vampire Queen's Servant, is a permafree FIRST IN SERIES full length novel. You can grab it here anytime from your preferred vendor or at this BookFunnel link (book is not free at Nook - they don't let us do permafrees there, but the BF link can give you a format that works for it).
One of the fun things we did on release day on my social media pages - JoeyWHillAuthor page, JWHMembersOnly fan group and MeWe - was to guess who said the quotes listed below. How about you? Test your knowledge! I'll put the answers underneath the graphic that follows.
“You can do this. He needs you, and you are better at being needed than anyone I’ve ever met in my life.”
“He thanked me for my hospitality and said if I ever hurt you, he’d stake me out in the sunlight and happily watch me burn. I kissed him goodbye until his toes curled and he couldn’t walk without embarrassing himself. Maybe we should invite him to join us for Christmas.”
“Your war is over, though you have fought so long you cannot see it yet. What I can give you now is rest. Let me protect you for a while. Do me this honor, and I will not fail you. I swear it, even if I have to destroy my own spirit to make it so.”
“I can hear you, except when you look away from me and lower your voice. But I have a sense for knowing what people say, even if I don’t pick it up exactly.” “So one of your submissives ducking her head to mutter ‘over-bearing bastard’ doesn’t go unnoticed?” "Not a chance."
“Come home when you’re ready, but come home. And when you do, I’m going to make you pay for every tear she’s shed for you.”
“Just because your Master is a clueless idiot is no reason for you to cater to it. It's not unrealistic to expect my love in exchange for your exceptional loyalty, devotion and unconditional service. Help the scientist in me remember that I am man and Master. The man who loves you back.”
ANSWERS: 1 – Malachi to Elisa, Vampire Instinct, 2 – Lyssa to Jacob, talking about Gideon, Mark of the Vampire Queen, 3 – Mason to Jessica, Beloved Vampire, 4 – Kaela and Garron, Elusive Hero, 5 – Daegan to Gideon, Vampire Trinity, 6 – Brian to Debra, Scientific Method
In late fall (if I stay on schedule) we’ll be returning to the world of the Mistresses of the Board Room. Vera, the fifth and final Mistress, needs her story told! I have SO many notes for AT HER WILL, I can’t even wrap my mind around a blurb that does it justice yet. It’s still working itself out, and what’s unfolding isn’t like anything else I’ve written before. The premise does remind me of the unexpected turn that Marius’s story took in Truly Helpless, though it’s a lot less dark than that (thankfully for Vera and her hero!).
I do have one thing I can share - the hero’s nickname. ♥ REV ♥ There are a couple reasons for that nickname, and you’ll find them out (as will I, lol) as the book gets more organized. I should have more to share about Vera and Rev within the next month. Stay tuned!
In the meantime, if you want to dive into the Mistresses of the Board Room, catch up on the ones you haven’t yet read, or re-read your favorites, you can find all vendor links and their descriptions here (they can each be read as a standalone):
At Her Command: CEO heroine, bodyguard/former SEAL hero, suspense subplot
At Her Service: CFO heroine dealing with mental illness, active SEAL hero
At Her Call: Mute heroine (tech/nerd girl!), sexy biker hero
At Her Pleasure: Sadist Domme heroine, cop hero, suspense subplot
To celebrate Vampire Choice's release, in the July newsletter I offered another giveaway to my newsletter readers - THREE of my Vampire Queen series print books OR a $50 Amazon Gift Card, winner's choice. To enter, readers just had to email me and describe their favorite JWH book in 10 words or less. Some of the entries were as follows:
Moody alpha vampire hunter - Smart mouth - Master and Mistress- Sparks everywhere. -- Vampire Mistress, particularly Gideon, the human servant of two incomparable vampires.
Icy Mistress falls for chivalrous but dominating master. -- Ice Queen, Marguerite and Tyler's story in the Nature of Desire series (FREE gateway-to-series book, btw).
In darkness and silence, the heart and soul shine loud. -- At Her Call, Skye and Tiger's story in the Mistresses of the Board Room series.
And our randomly chosen winner's entry, Michelle B: A vampire legend is her last chance for hope... Appropriately, this refers to Vampire Instinct, the story of Ruth's parents, Mal and Elisa. Congratulations, Michelle, and thank you to everyone who sent me entries. I loved reading your "in a nutshell" view of my characters and their stories!
I really loved these two, so let me share one of my favorite memes that reflects the tone of their relationship. Ruth never backs down from a challenge - even when she probably should, lol.
I say it in each newsletter, but it continues to be true at every level. THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through posting reviews, participating in book discussions in online groups, or recommending my work to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and the best kind of marketing any author can have!
Now let's check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS!
Less than a month to go! I'm running up to the wire on the final proof edit now, and trying not to tear my hair out. SO MANY things to check and double check. I seriously LOVE how many characters from the VQ series play a part in this story, and where they took Ruth and Merc, but holy moly. I feel like an air traffic controller. ✈✈✈👨🏻✈️, lol. Would you like a fun little teaser?
Merc dropped to his heels and supported Ruth's arm as he slowly extended it. The pain of the dislocated shoulder was going to make her throw up. “Charlie,” Merc spoke to the healer. “Tell me when.”
“Let me give her something, so it will be easier.”
Merc’s gaze rested on Ruth’s. “She doesn’t want easier.”
Charlie sighed. “You fighting types. You make things so difficult.” Her slim hand overlapped his, readjusted his grip, and she checked the position of Ruth’s shoulder.
“This would be a good time to beg for mercy,” Merc observed. His voice had that heavy rain quality, and the earthy need in Ruth drank it in.
“I’m listening,” she managed. “Whenever you want to start.”
His mouth curved. Not a smile, but a promise of temptation held out of reach until need became a raw and bleeding open wound.
“What did Marcellus tell you right before the fight?” she said, not wanting to think about what was about to happen. Maybe some pain meds wouldn’t be so bad.
“Not to kill you. Just to push you past your threshold, so he could see how you handled that.”
“How do you know where that threshold is, other than seeing me on my ass on the ground?”
His lips pursed. “It’s one of my many gifts.”
“I call it pushing someone’s buttons. You’re pretty damn good at that. What are you?”
“Incubus. Angel. Human." He held her gaze. "The worst parts of all of them.”
I am SO excited about sharing this book with you. And a little scared as well. If you follow my JoeyWHillAuthor page or the JWHMembersOnly fan group on Facebook, or my MeWe Page, be sure and check in on or near July 31, because there will be a fabulous giveaway and fun behind-the-scenes info about the book, as well as reflections upon the series as a whole. Vampire Queen Series lovers unite!
If you haven't reserved your copy, preorder links are below this graphic (as well the Chapter One preview link)! 🙂🦇📚 If you're on the JWHMembersOnly fan group, your exclusive early THREE CHAPTER peek occurred on June 21. Hop onto the group (or Join) and go look for it, if you can't wait for release day to read more Ruth and Merc!
Last month I offered the books below (plus Vampire Mistress, not in picture) as a giveaway to my readers. To enter, all you had to do was email me your top three choices. I promised to announce the winners in this issue. So, are you ready? Here they are! (look below graphic). Congratulations!
Vampire Mistress - Justiene T, Vampire Trinity - Donna A, Taken by a Vampire - Maria R, Bound by the Vampire Queen - Taffy W, Vampire Instinct - Diane M, Scientific Method- Sierra R, Nightfall - Sharon E, and Medusa's Heart - Erin L. I'll be emailing the winners directly to get your address information (only used for prize distribution). Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and lovely comments in your emails - they were appreciated greatly. ❤❤❤
I want to give away more stuff! Would you like to win THREE of my Vampire Queen series print books OR a $50 Amazon Gift Card, winner's choice?
HOW TO ENTER: IN 10 WORDS OR LESS, DESCRIBE YOUR FAVORITE JWH BOOK (or any JWH book), and email it to me at I did this contest on social media this past week for a different prize package. To help inspire your own entries, here are some examples of the ones they offered there (can you guess the book titles)?
Motorcycle riding ex-hunter vagabond serves petite but powerful Queen. Joyriding good girl, off duty cop, lifetime of memories. Resilient fmc, two hot vamp daddies, steamy, three-scapades (), enchanting, HEA Mute woman tops hot motorcycle deaf man Grieving Saharan vampire meets neglected but strong fmc, steamy passion
I'll choose a winner of the prize package by the next issue - good luck! And be warned, I may very well use some of the entries when I'm preparing promo graphics for my books. You all know how wordy I am. Do you really think I could summarize ANY of my stories in less than 10 words without help?! 📚📚📚 🤷🏻♂️
Since we're all about vampires right now, I have to share one of my favorite Angel TV series lines...can't imagine why I liked this one (innocent eye roll)...
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews or direct recommendation/discussion in online groups, or one-on-one to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and the best kind of marketing any author can have!
Now let's check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS - we have FOUR of them!
I have it for you HERE. Readers have responded so enthusiastically to this first glimpse of Merc and Ruth's story, and I hope you'll enjoy it as well. I'm almost done with the 2nd full edit round, which means it's about to be turned over to the beta checker team. They'll do their best to make sure I haven't screwed anything up with respect to continuity. This book has so many characters and relevant storylines from earlier in the series, I wanted to head off any glaring errors that could bring your reading experience to a screeching halt. Like, "Wait, that's not right. Didn't that character DIE four books ago? And why is THAT character eating a peanut butter sandwich, when in Book 2 he had a life threatening peanut allergy?" Lol...
Preorder links are below this NEW teaser graphic (as well as another chance at the Chapter One preview link)! I love Ruth and Merc. They're roughly the same age, maturity-wise, so they play off of one another well. 🙂🦇📚
For those who are part of the JWHMembersOnly FB group, your exclusive early THREE CHAPTER peek should be happening around mid-June!
Updating the covers, back and front matter for ebooks at the vendors is pretty routine these days. It's a way to keep the book marketing fresh. The print books don't get that once-over quite as often, but we've been going back through the Vampire Queen series to correct that, making sure the cover is the latest version, and updating the front and back matter so it matches the Amazon blurbs, etc.
As part of that process, before we publish the updated print book, we order a print proof to make sure everything looks right. Unfortunately, Amazon does this absolutely asinine (aka stupid-ass) thing where they print a gray "Not for Resale" band smack across the center on the front and back cover. The books are perfectly fine, but of course I can't sell them after I verify the proof is fine. However, what I can do is offer them as giveaways to my readers! Would you like the chance to win one? Drop down below the graphic to find out how.
The EIGHT books up for grabs are Vampire Mistress, Vampire Trinity, Taken by a Vampire, Bound by the Vampire Queen, Vampire Instinct, Scientific Method, Nightfall, and the non-series standalone Medusa's Heart (we updated that one because a lot of Ruth and Merc's story takes place at the Circus, an important setting in Medusa's book).
To have a chance to win one of these, email me at and tell me, if you could pick, what your top three choices would be, in order of preference. I'll randomly choose eight winners before the next issue of the newsletter, and your responses should help ensure everyone gets one of the books on their preference list. [Note: I don't collect email addresses. This is for prize purposes only.]
Oh, and the little bat guy is just a prop for the picture, but around the end of July he'll be part of a fun giveaway package to celebrate the release of Merc and Ruth's story!
I mentioned this last month, but I think it bears repeating before we hit that July 31 release date. You don't have to read all of the series to enjoy Vampire's Choice, but I would recommend reading the three below, because of the family relationships which are a key part of Ruth and Merc's story. If you are new to the Vampire Queen series, they will give you additional background on the Vampire Queen world. On that note, don't forget, Book One, Jacob and Lyssa's story, Vampire Queen's Servant, is a FREE full length, first-in-series title. Download it TODAY.
Are you an aspiring or published romance author? Registration is now OPEN for the FIRST Wanna Write Romance Conference (June 13-16) and it's FREE. This is a virtual/online conference (no need to pack your bags or arrange for a petsitter), structured as an uplifting “FEEL GOOD about what we write” event, along with offering valuable tips and guidance. I’m on the schedule, for a Friday June 14 interview (12pm PT, 3pm ET) and a live Q&A that same night (6pm PT, 9pm ET). ♥💜💙♥
Here’s the link to register. There are two ticket tiers. You can attend for FREE, with access to the content for up to 48 hours after the sessions air. Or you can upgrade to the SPARK ticket to have forever access to them ($67 if you do it shortly after you register; $127 if you do it later). What are the other perks of the Spark ticket?
* Live chat/Q&A access to engage directly with speakers and other attendees
* Virtual networking lounge to make new author friends
* Bonus live workshops to apply what you've learned (and ask questions in real time)
* Exclusive speaker bonuses worth nearly $600 USD, like books, services, a podcast version of the event, and more!
* Daily Happy Hour sessions (with some stellar prizes)
Remember to stay in the browser after you register until it gives you the Spark option, if you want to pursue that. The FREE ticket allows the attendee to WATCH everything. The SPARK ticket lets you PARTICIPATE!
Regardless of which ticket tier you choose, I look forward to having fun with all of you there!
I stumbled on this when reviewing some old files. A reminder of why I LOVE writing the romance genre...
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews or direct recommendation/discussion in online groups, or one-on-one to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and the best kind of marketing any author can have!
Many of you have expressed your excitement about the first Vampire Queen series book in THREE YEARS! Which kind of floored me, until I had this conversation:
JOEY: Wow, where did the time go?!
MUSE (DRYLY): To the Nature of Desire, Mistresses of the Board Room and Arcane Shot series...
JOEY: Oh, yeah... Right. Okay. 😆🤣
Readers aren't the only ones thrilled about Ruth and Merc's story. Characters from all over the series are jumping in to play a role, as well as the cast from Medusa's Heart, since a big part of the story happens at the Circus. There's also a surprise appearance from a Nature of Desire series player who had a small but intriguing part in Branded Sanctuary. I wonder if he's telling me he's finally ready for his own book...
I'm nearly done with the first edit round. Though I write on the intense and serious side, there's always time for humor, and Ruth has a sharp tongue that likes to get her in trouble, as shown in this graphic! Preorder links are below it, and if you're new to the Vampire Queen series, remember Book One, Jacob and Lyssa's story, Vampire Queen's Servant, is a FREE full length, first-in-series title.
You don't have to read all of the series, but I would recommend reading the three below, because of the family relationships which are a key part of Ruth and Merc's story. Plus as noted above, if you are new to the series, they will give you additional background on the Vampire Queen world.
Now, if you're NOT new to the Vampire Queen series, you might enjoy this. Earlier this month I gave my social media followers a chance to see how well they know the books and characters with this crossword puzzle. I admit, when I was creating it, I had to look up a couple answers myself. Check it out. No sign up required - just click this link or the graphic and have at it. There's an answer button if you get stumped.
The FIRST Wanna Write Romance Conference is June 13-16 - and it's FREE. This is a virtual/online conference (no need to pack your bags or arrange for a petsitter), and there are two ticket tiers. You can attend for FREE, with access to the content for up to 48 hours after the sessions air. If you need more time than that, you can upgrade your ticket to have FOREVER access to them. ($67 if you do it shortly after you register; $127 if you do it later).
Registration opens officially June 2, but you can be on the waitlist NOW to get a heads up and emails about behind-the-scenes planning. Here’s the link. It will give you the current agenda, the speakers, and more details. And YES, I’m on the schedule, for a Friday June 14 interview and a live Q&A that same night. ♥💜💙♥
For those who remember the Grave Tells blog site, this event is being arranged by the lovely Sue Brown-Moore, who used to head that up. She and I had a blast with the interview. The whole conference is structured as an uplifting “FEEL GOOD about what we write” event, along with offering valuable tips and guidance. Let me know if you have any questions, and Sue’s contact info is in the link as well.
I know I mentioned that last month, but with all the vampire stuff, I figured it wouldn't hurt to repeat it. One of the standalone series titles, Nightfall, which was co-written with the incomparable Desiree Holt, is also on audio. You can find these titles and my full audio library here.
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews or direct recommendation/discussion in online groups, or one-on-one to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and the best kind of marketing any author can have! 💜💙♥💗🧡
Happy Spring!! Our release date is July 31, 2024, AND Ruth and Merc's story has a blurb. Here goes...
I’d rather fight than run. I’d rather fight than submit.
Ruth was born weaker than most vampires. Because of that, she has to find a place on the fringes of the vampire world where she can call the shots on her own life. Doing bodyguard work at the mysterious Circus fits the bill, but it’s there her biggest secret is revealed. Unlike most vampires, she’s not a Dominant.
She wants a Master she can fight, until he makes her submit. He must prove he’s stronger on every level that matters, and win her trust, loyalty and love. Merc, part incubus, part angel, catches her attention, but his dangerous reputation makes him seem like a bad risk.However, working alongside him to protect a fortune teller who has seen things that can endanger the vampire world, she gets a different view. Plus, out of all his mesmerizing qualities, there’s one she finds irresistible.
He relishes a good fight.
Hope you all are excited about this next Vampire Queen series book! I'm almost done with the first draft and ready to start the 4-3-2-1 edit rounds. First round, 4 weeks; second round, 3 weeks; third round, 2 weeks; proof round, 1 week. Barring any domestic crises or creative snags, that should have it out by the end of July. Preorder your copy now! Links are below the graphic.
Are you new to the Vampire Queen series? Or have you re-read the whole series multiple times? Do you have favorite VQS books you can quote from memory? When I asked readers on the social media pages about this, many had read the full series four to five times, and their favorite books more times than they can count. I loved hearing that. Since I'll need help with Vampire's Choice to verify character and plot consistency with previous books, I'm feeling very confident I'll find an accomplished beta team!
Back when Lady Lyssa and Jacob had their fateful first meeting, I didn't know where the series would take me. It was a pretty exciting and pivotal time in my writing career, as Vampire Queen's Servant was my first title released by a New York publisher. Back then, that was every author's Holy Grail! Throughout the years, though publishers and publishing have changed dramatically, the bond between a vampire queen and a former vampire hunter inspired so many other favorite characters and stories in the series. Eighteen books to date! Thanks to so many of you for taking those journeys with me.
Now, going back to the FIRST question. Are you NEW to the Vampire Queen series? If so, I am delighted to hear it! I love for people to discover my vampires. If you like to jump around in a series, most books focus on a new couple (or trio), so you can choose the protagonists that interest you most. That said, I recommend reading Lyssa and Jacob's story first (F/m, Books 1 and 2) or Book 4, Beloved Vampire (M/f) for a familiarity with the vampire world. And Book 1, Vampire Queen's Servant, is a FREE full length, first-in-series title. Just click on that title link. You can also peruse the full series here.
If you prefer a particular D/s or romance dynamic, you have plenty of choices in this series, as noted below:
Female Dom/male alpha sub - Vampire Queen's Servant, Mark of the Vampire Queen, Vampire's Claim, Bound by the Vampire Queen, Nightfall
Male Dom/female sub - Beloved Vampire, Vampire Instinct, Scientific Method, Elusive Hero, Vampire's Embrace, Vampire Master, Vampire Guardian, Vampire's Choice
Male/male - Vampire's Soul, Night's Templar
Menage (MMF) - Vampire Mistress, Vampire Trinity, Taken by a Vampire
NOTE: Vampire Trinity is Part Two of Anwyn, Daegan and Gideon's story, so Vampire Mistress should be read first. Likewise, Book 2, Mark of the Vampire Queen, is Part 2 of Lyssa and Jacob's story. And remember, Book 1, Vampire Queen's Servant, is FREE!
Reach out to me if you have any questions!
Last month, we celebrated Natural Law's 20th birthday!! For the chance to win a Natural Law prize pack, my newsletter subscribers were asked this question: Was Natural Law the first F/m BDSM romance you read that you liked? If not, what was? Here are some of the delightful answers I received:
"Not only was Natural Law the first F/m BDSM romance I read, I had no idea there was such a thing as a Domme. Natural Law was eye-opening, exciting and totally hot. This expanded my erotic reading and fantasies. I have since gravitated in my BDSM reading toward strong Dommes, even though I am a submissive. I love knowing a woman can take that power and control and make it her own." --Shoshana
"The first BDSM book I read was actually Fifty Shades. I call that my gateway book. Lol... It was game on after that. Natural Law was the first book I read by you, and I fell in love with your characters and you writing. You have a way with words!!! I feel like I am there experiencing all the events with them." --Leslie
"Natural Law was the first F/m that I loved! I thought it was such an interesting point of view with this strong man set with himself enough to be able to beautifully submit (most of the time, though ugly has its moments!) to this dominant female. Natural Law was my first book I read of yours, my gateway into your world! I can’t say enough about how much I love to drop into your world and stay awhile. It’s fantastic!!" --Lisa
I was also tickled by the responses that identified the other talented writers offering titles in this genre, like the amazing Cherise Sinclair and Lexi Blake. The trend of BDSM romance authors including F/m stories in their D/s focused series has only increased, and I hope that continues. As a reader myself, I love exploring power exchange relationships from different perspectives and dynamics.
GIVEAWAY WINNER: The randomly chosen winner of the giveaway was Shoshana, whose quote was also listed above. Congratulations!! She'll be getting a signed print copy of Natural Law, a Nature of Desire series mug, and a swag pack. Thank you to everyone who sent me a response!
And if you've never read NATURAL LAW (what?! lol), you can find it at your favorite vendor here.
So is one of the standalone series titles, Nightfall, which was co-written with the incomparable Desiree Holt. You can find these titles and my full audio library here.
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews or direct recommendation/discussion in online groups, or one-on-one to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and the best kind of marketing any author can have! 💜💙♥💗🧡
Let's check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS. Because of all the great news on Vampire's Choice, we have a trio of great paranormal options!
On March 10, 2004, Ellora's Cave released NATURAL LAW in ebook. The print version followed a year later, 3/25/2005. Some copies of that cover noted below to the left are still floating around Amazon today! Because this book was SO pivotal and significant to the evolution of my BDSM romance writing career, I've been doing several giveaways and celebratory posts on social media this week. And I want to do a GIVEAWAY here as well! Read the post below the graphic, and email me your answer to the question at the end, using The winner will get a signed print copy of Natural Law, a Natural Law quote mug, and additional surprise swag! I'll award the prize package before the next newsletter issue.
Natural Law was the FIRST book where I hit my comfort zone in writing BDSM romance with a female Dominant.
“Wait a second,” you say. “Holding the Cards was Joey’s very first F/m.”
Yes, that’s correct. However, it took me by surprise. I initially tried to write it as M/f. When it just did NOT work, the muse broke in and the following conversation ensued…
Muse: This is terrible. Nothing is moving right.
Me: Thank you. Tell me something I don’t know, Captain Obvious.
Muse: That commercial hasn’t happened yet, but thanks for putting it out there in the universe. Watch the tone. I can get cranky.
Me: Sigh. Fine. What would you suggest to fix this dumpster fire?
Muse: Hmm… Okay. Flip it. Make him the sub and her the Dom (because at that time we only knew one gender neutral term for Dominant; no Dommes).
Me: (squeak): What?! I don’t know how to write that. I’m a female sub.
Muse: Yeah, you know how. You know how a Dom makes you feel, right? And why it feels that way. Plus you’re a gd, mf writer. Put yourself in the gd, mf Dom’s stilettos (instead of manly work shoes) and get to it. Trust me. And bring me a mai-tai. Bet you can figure out how to do that, too.
Me: *Making slasher knife gestures behind muse’s back.* Fine. I’ll give it a try.
So I did it, and the story freaking TOOK OFF. Don’t ever doubt the muse. She may be a pain in the ass, but she knows her stuff. Anyhow, by the time I wrote Natural Law, I was feeling much more at ease with writing a Dom/sub story from a F/m perspective. Even more importantly, when I tapped into Mac Nighthorse’s character, I found a male submissive who could hold his own on the romance reader playing field with the male Doms. He was what I would come to call the “palace guard” style sub, where he was every bit as hot while serving and protecting his Mistress, as the Dom who did the same with his sub.
So why do I say this book was key to my writing journey? Mac paved the way for two other iconic alpha characters, Gideon and Jacob Green of the Vampire Queen series. Plus, the combined experience of writing his story AND Josh’s (Holding the Cards) helped me discover the whole lovely spectrum of alpha AND beta sub heroes, like Josh, Brendan, Marius, and the list goes on, all the way to the Mistresses of the Board Room series today.
I also don’t think it’s a stretch to say that when I figured out I could write F/m, I evolved into the realization that I could also write M/m, F/m/f, interracial, handicapped heroes, etc… Natural Law was the gateway that said, “if you can tap into the common D/s and emotional ground for XYZ characters, you CAN write them.”
GIVEAWAY: So here’s the GIVEAWAY question. Was Natural Law the first F/m BDSM romance you read that you liked? If not, what was? I’m always looking to add to my rec list on this still underappreciated sub-genre! Email me at with your response and you'll be entered in the giveaway. I'll award the winner before the next newsletter issue.
And if you've never read NATURAL LAW, you can find it at your favorite vendor here.
Scott finished wrangling with Merc's wings, and I love the result! Hope you like this cover for his and Ruth's story, too. At the time of this newsletter, I'm closing in on about 90k words on the first draft, which for me is a little over halfway. My intent is to finish it before April 10, then start my 4-3-2-1 edit round count down (4 weeks first round, 3 weeks second, 2 weeks third and 1 week for the final typo/proofread). I'm crossing my fingers for a July 15 release date, but I prefer to wait until I reach the first edit round to make that decision, in case the first draft has any unexpected delays. I don't want to disappoint my readers by giving them the wrong date. As soon as we can lock that down, I'll have preorder links for you as well!
Just as a reminder of who's who in Vampire's Choice: We were introduced to Ruth in Vampire Guardian, the latest VQS book. She's Adan's sister. Her hero in Vampire's Choice, Merc, is part incubus, angel and human. Merc was introduced in Medusa’s Heart, a non-series title. A big chunk of Vampire's Choice will happen at the Circus, a setting which is also pivotal in Medusa’s Heart.
In case you're looking for this in the future, it's also been added to the library of bonus content short stories and novellas at the Cantrips (Vignette) page on my website. The library selections feature characters from all across my series. Enjoy!
Don't forget the fifth Mistresses of the Board Room book, At Her Will, will release in the Fall. This will be Vera's story! You can catch up on all the other ladies' stories in the meantime (all can stand alone).
The Knights of the Board Room books have remained some of my readers' absolute favorites. All seven stories in the series are available on audio, so if you'd like to read them for the first time in this format, or enjoy a re-read in a different medium, here's your chance! Skim my full audio library here. Board Resolution, Book 1, is FREE in ebook format!
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews or direct recommendation/discussion in online groups, or one-on-one to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated, and honestly is the best kind of marketing any author can have! Have a wonderful spring and blessed Ostara/Easter... 💜💙♥💗🧡
Time to check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS - download one or more today!
Happy almost Valentine's Day! Are you ready to read the FREE novella about Ben and Marcie from Hostile Takeover (Knights of the Board Room series), and Cyn and Mick from the latest Mistresses of the Board Room book, At Her Pleasure? ROAD TRIP is finally ready for your reading pleasure! Click HERE to download it to your preferred device from the easy BookFunnel link. It was delightful to spend time with these four. We had laughter, sexy moments, and even a little bit of a tearjerker scene - the good kind.
In case you're looking for this in the future, it's also been added to the library of bonus content short stories and novellas at the Cantrips (Vignette) page on my website. If you want to talk about the story with me and other readers, there's a Spoiler Post at the FB JWHMembersOnly group, where we've been having some lively exchanges about it.
Scott has started on the Vampire's Choice cover (he says Merc's wings are a TOTAL bitch, lol), but back in December he'd already put together some mockups on Vera's cover. Vera is our final Mistresses of the Board Room heroine to get her story, which is planned for a Fall 2024 release. In January, I offered these concepts to my social media platforms as a test run to see which one the readers liked the most. Two came pretty close to one another in winning the top spot - Cover A and Cover C. As a result, the final version will be one of them. However, don't worry if your favorite doesn't get chosen. Because both were popular, the image that doesn't get the cover will still show up in teasers later this year!
Vera's story is rounding itself out in my brain, but her hero has a very unexpected backstory. As a result, I'm letting it percolate a while longer before I create a blurb to share. But needless to say, I'm curious about where the story will take us. What I can tell you is the hero has not been introduced in this or any of my other series, so he'll be brand new to all of us. More soon!
Though all the books in the Mistresses of the Board Room series can stand alone, many of us like to see the relationships between the main characters build over the life of the series. If you're one of those, click on the MBR link or the individual books below to catch up with everyone before Vera's story!
While Scott is wrestling with the graphic designer's nightmare of making wings look natural on the Vampire's Choice cover, the story itself is telegraphing other challenges to me. There are going to be a LOT of characters from the Vampire Queen series involved in it. Because I wasn't smart enough to build a series bible from Book 1 going forward, I've been piecing one together as I have time (four words which pretty much confirm how inadequate this series bible currently is, lol). Therefore, it's likely I'll put together a small beta team of Vampire Queen series experts to review the draft when it's ready for that step.
At some point in the weeks ahead, I'll throw out fun Q&A's and quizzes on my MeWe and FB pages so 1) readers can test their VQS knowledge and 2) I can see who has the interest (and patience) to be part of that team. So, if you're an avid VQS fan and the idea of being part of a tediously detail-oriented beta team is your preferred brand of masochism (grin), keep your eye on that as we're going forward. If you're not on social media and really want to be considered, shoot me an email at
Just as a reminder of who's who in Vampire's Choice, we were introduced to Ruth in Vampire Guardian, the latest VQS book. She's Adan's sister. Her hero in Vampire's Choice, Merc, is part incubus, angel and human. Possibly some other things, too. We submitted DNA to one of those ancestry places, but apparently they're too freaked out to answer - at least so far 😵😱😈.
Merc was introduced in Medusa’s Heart, a non-series title. A big chunk of Vampire's Choice will happen at the Circus, a setting which is also pivotal in Medusa’s Heart.
As prep for Vampire's Choice, I've been re-reading Medusa and John Pierce's story. MH is a long and complicated story (yes, even for me, lol). It was essentially two books under one cover. Part One was dedicated to JP's efforts to win Medusa's trust, a necessarily slow process, based on what she'd endured. An Amazon reviewer (who also happens to be the wonderful author Kate Douglas) noted the first portion of the book was "the most erotic foreplay ever written, as JP carefully seduces a woman he has loved as long as he can remember. Convincing Medusa to trust and then actually accept that this man can love her, without wanting to use or misuse her, is such a tender love story that I sometimes found myself smiling while I was reading the pages."
Part Two of Medusa's Heart was what happened to them after that, the challenges they faced together, with intersections with the vampires and angels from my Vampire Queen and Daughters of Arianne series, respectively.
Thinking about Valentine's Day plans with your significant other? How about enjoying a hot audio book together? Or give yourself the gift of a solo romantic/indulgent evening! Either option is a lovely way to celebrate. Skim my full audio library here.
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews or direct recommendation/discussion in online groups, or one-on-one to friends and family. It is so tremendously appreciated! Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, however you choose to spend it. 💜💙♥💗🧡
Time to check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS - download one or more today!
Whew! We made it through the holiday season. Hope everyone has plenty of nice Christmas memories to begin the new year. Did you get some good books from the one-day-only Romance Bookworms 2,000 FREE e-book giveaway on December 27? I sure hope so! Any resolutions? Mine is to say these words every day, whenever I need them: "Treat every day as an adventure, not a to-do list."
As readers and authors, we already know words are powerful. The earliest fantasy novels I read continually reinforced the significance of words in magical and spiritual systems. While I don't want to be overly optimistic (I am as task-driven as a squirrel during acorn season), I have been using that mantra for three days now, and it is having some positive benefits. Not just in approaching things with a better attitude, but being less stressed about them. Perspective is a mighty thing. I wish you luck and joy in the new year, and success with your own resolutions!
In December, we had some fun games on the social media platforms, like this one below. It reminded me of the "plot bunny" charts we used to do in writing class, way back when I was learning craft and how to come up with story ideas. See what your preferred combination is, and put it out there in the universe. Maybe it will take up lodging in an author's subconscious and become a new story for you to love! 🎁🎁🎁
Last issue, I mentioned I'm working on a bonus content vignette for you all. The story stars Ben and Marcie from Hostile Takeover (Knights of the Board Room series), and Cyn and Mick from the latest Mistresses of the Board Room book, At Her Pleasure. I've finished the first draft and should have it polished up and out to you in the next couple weeks. If you're on any of my social media platforms, watch for the announcement of the BookFunnel download link for your preferred reading device. If you're not on any of my social media platforms, don't worry. I'll publish the link in the next newsletter issue. When the story goes live, it will also be added to the top of the bonus content library under the Cantrips (Vignette) menu item on my website.
I'm so sorry I haven't been able to provide you vignettes as regularly as I used to do. Writing, marketing and changes in family/home life have made the holiday break period (when I usually write bonus content stories) a little more hectic. However, I'm glad I found the time to do this one. Writing these stories is FUN. No complicated storylines, just an indulgent "revisit" of favorite characters. I hope when it's ready, you'll enjoy the trip with these four. They're on a short jaunt outside of New Orleans, and it gets a little more exciting than expected!
Thanks to that Romance Bookworms promo, I had a nice bump in sales at the end of year, particularly in my Mistresses of the Board Room series. I'm delighted that people are enjoying the ladies and their memorable men. Have you read all of them yet? If not, see the links below the graphic. I know it's time to change out the Christmas-y look, but this purple was so pretty, I wanted to post it one last time! (Plus, tiny emoji reindeer - can't pass up the chance to share those, lol.)
Now that my mind is turning toward Vampire's Choice, the next book in the Vampire Queen series, the muse is shooting ideas at me almost faster than I can grab them. On my last road trip to see my aunt, I came back with 62 outline notes on my recorder. I've been transferring them into MS Notes and expanding on them, fleshing out the details of Ruth and Merc's story. The opening is almost completely written in my head, so I may have a sneak peek Chapter One earlier than expected. Scott is hard at work on a cover to ooh and aah over. 🎨🖌
Just as a reminder, we were introduced to Ruth in Vampire Guardian, the latest VQS book. She's Adan's sister. Her hero in Vampire's Choice, Merc, is part incubus, part angel and part something else. Merc was introduced in Medusa’s Heart, a non-series title. A big chunk of Vampire's Choice will happen at the Circus, a setting which is also pivotal in Medusa’s Heart, so feel free to check out that story if you’d like. It also has a pretty new cover!
Vera's story will be Book 5 of the Mistresses of the Board Room. We have a couple versions of the cover, and in the next few weeks, we'll likely post them on our FB and MeWe pages for feedback. I really like this model, and she has some great shots available. Though the MBR series brand only features the women on the cover, he isn't hard to look at, either! I'm sure he'll show up in some teaser graphics later this summer, if not earlier.
Thank you to everyone who sent me an entry for the annual holiday charity giveaway! It always does my heart good to see how much my readers care about those in need. My randomly chosen winner was Amy T, who wanted the donation to go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. That has been done and Amy has been notified. Over the holiday, I watched Last Christmas with Emilia Clarke. It's one of my current favorite Christmas movies, and toward the end she says, "Helping one another is what makes us happy." I truly believe that myself, so thank you for giving me the opportunity to be happy! :>
How about an audio book to stave off the post-holiday doldrums? Here are some of mine! Skim the full library here.
THANK YOU for the many ways you all support my work, not only by purchasing my books, but by spreading the love to other readers, through reviews or direct recommendation in online groups, or one-on-one to friends and family. It all helps!! I wish all of you many blessings - and good adventures - in 2024.
Time to check out THIS MONTH's FEATURED EBOOKS - download one or more today!